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    Hello everyone! First of all, I want to apologize for taking so long to respond to the many messages I’ve received about the status of my fan fics. I was taking a few days to get my thoughts together. I have to be honest, I didn’t expect the reaction I recived from so many of you, so I definitely wanted to explain why I decided to pull my stories. The first reason is that someone mentioned to me that there was a chapter of one of my stories posted on a random site that I’ve never heard of, let alone been to or posted on, so that was a little weird; this was a driving factor into my pulling the stories from all platforms. This incident was the driving factor, but in the end, it wasn’t the only factor.

    I think all of my fellow writers will agree that writing these fics, while fulfilling and wonderful, is also time-consuming, and while I absolutely adore writing about these l word characters, especially Bette and Tina, the most awesomely paired, perfect, at times dysfunctional couple ever created, I think it’s time for me to take a step back and allow these two to live happily ever after. It’s time for me to move on as I pursue my passion and dream of becoming a published author, so I will rework a few of my stories and expand them into books with my own characters.

    I want to thank all the readers for supporting my stories over the years; words can’t express how grateful I am for all of you. I know I eventually began to post my stories on a few other sites, but I want to give a personal thank you to Lesfan because this is where it all started for me, first as an avid reader and then eventually taking that nervous step out of the shadows and becoming a writer. Thank you so much for providing a place for this quiet girl to find her creative voice by writing fan fics for my all-time favorite characters.

    Again, to the readers, thank you all so much for your support through the years. While I’ve decided to step away, I know there are many talented authors who will always keep our favorite couple and characters going.

    Thank you so much!!

    Love always,

    Nicole A.K.A. Browneyedgirl28

    Twitter: @shywriter36


    1. SOOO sorry about this message breaking when trying to read it. @browneyedgirl – if you send it to me via email, I’ll get it out there for you.

      We are still working on getting this issue fixed.

    2. Hey Bigbrowneyedgirl28,..

      Thank you for your explanation, the person who posted your chapter is a bitch and I’m truly sad that this was one of the reasons you pulled your stories from this site and the other sites.
      The second reason, wow, i hope you get the credit as a published writer, you have so much talent!!!

      I have reread your stories so many times and will miss them, let me know when you’re stories come out, i certainly want to support you by buying them.

      Thank you so much for your dedication and bringing Tibette alive in your stories!!!

    3. Hello Nicole,

      My eyes lit up when I casually came to the site and saw your name. I’m crestfallen to hear that you’ve pulled your stories but I completely understand. Please notify the site when (not if) you publish your work. I’ll support you in your future endeavours.

      All the best!

    4. I will miss your stories here but am excited for you as you reach for your dreams. You are a talented writer with a knack for witty dialog and compelling storylines. I have no doubt you will become a published author. Best of luck and best wishes.

      CellaNox (a.k.a., Stacy Lynn Miller)

    5. Hi

      I’ve been a silent for the longest time, and have enjoyed all your stories. I’m sad that, you had to remove your wonderful stories, but I definitely understand.. Good luck in your writings, and being a published author. I can’t wait to read what you will write in the future. I am sure it will be great like all the stories you have written here. Will definitely miss reading and re-reading your stories!

    6. Too bad you had to pull all your stories. Its nice to be able to go back and reread stories we enjoyed and find pleasure in. I know that you were one of the favorites on this site. I wish you luck in your new endeavors and please remember… if you want to come back and repost your stories, you will always find a receptive audience here.

      Thank you for your contributions to the world of fan fiction.

    7. Oh nooooooooooo. I was reading, then continued reading with no reaction until i got to the bottom and saw the name “browneyedgirl28”. YOU. ARE. MY. FAVORITE. WRITER. i read your stories almost every week every day off i get.

      When i reach the end, i go back to chapter 1. Oh my. This is heartbreaking.

      I will seriously miss all all your stories. Seriously.

    8. Thank you so much for explaining Nicole. And we all really broke down the moment we realised your fics and you were gone. It was heartbreaking seeing your fics gone I was meaning to start 4 of them and hoping home again the sequel would continue and eventually have its ending. I was halfway through some of your fics so I’m always going to wonder what happened but it’s really exciting about what you’re wanting to do with your own writing and becoming a published author, I always expected them to stay up even if you one day did leave. But I wish you luck on your new adventure. Thank you so much for blessing us with these fics and how you write tibette I always hoped you would keep writing them with how much you enjoy it but I wish you nothing but the best ❤️❤️❤️ It’s always going to be hard wondering on the endings though and some not having an ending so I will always be in wonder you’ve truly changed my life ❤️❤️

    9. But I will truly miss your stories, you truly broke the internet once you were gone and I’m so sorry that after you updated a chapter that you had to decide to delete them after what happened to you. I do know we all panicked you truly changed everything for us they became bedtime stories or stories when we just needed to feel better ❤️ and all the hard work you put into every single story. We are truly grateful. I was halfway through it’s a small world then the sequel but then I wanted to read now and then and the hardest thing as well as always rereading home again and it’s sequel thank you for everything and I do truly hope one day you come back with all of your fics and I hope they are saved somewhere for you because the hard work you put into it would feel so so rewarding all in it’s own but it’s also going to be heartbreaking never knowing the ending to now and then or the home again sequel you brought us so much happiness I’m not sure if the hardest thing was finished but I was definitely looking forward too it. ❤️❤️ thank you Nicole

    10. Hi Nicole,
      I am a silent reader. I have started to read and follow your story since you first posted. It is really sad that you had pull all the stories out. I really love reading them. You are one of my favourite writer. Please let me know when your books are published, I will definitely going to get them. All the best in your endeavors.!

    11. Hi Nicole- I hate to see you go as I truly enjoyer your stories tremendously. You’re a wonderful writer and I hope you continue to pursue your talent. Your stories will be truly missed.

    12. I have read and reread all of your stories over the years. You’re one of my favorite writers. I truly hate you removed your stories from this site, but I do understand. You will be terribly missed. I look forward to the day that you become a published author. Please keep us posted on this. I will follow you on Twitter or X, whatever they call it now. My Twitter is @TreceHart. Be blessed.

    13. Oh nooo! No wonder I can’t read them now! I thought there’s something to do with the site! Noooo You are my only and favourite writer here. I’ve read ALL of your fics and enjoy all of them! There’s no other writer I like because their stories are just not my taste! At all. I only read yours. I re-read your stories for comfort and I re-read them almost everyday because I love them so much. So sad that you leave because of that! Who the hell did that to you I feel like kicking their ass!! I really hope one day you’ll post them again though hehee..Also, Good luck to you! You’re an amazing writer! But saying goodbye to you is like saying goodbye to Tibette. So sad. I don’t want to say goodbye.

    14. Hi Nicole
      I understand completely your reasons for doing what you’ve done. You’re a very talented writer and I have no doubt that you’ll be published. Thank you for giving the L Word fandom such pleasure and entertainment. And also for highlighting how important Lesfan is!
      Good luck to you!

    15. I’d be lying if I said I’m not missing your fanfics. I have been a follower and great fan since the first Tibette chapter you published, and in the last ten years I have reread your complete fanfics many many times and I have gone in search of new chapters of those that were in development with excitement and illusion. I was also very hooked on the new versions you were start rewriting, precisely of my favorite stories. It was fantastic, knowing the original version so well, to be able to enjoy those details and new perspectives. It was like a small Tibette multiverse, again masterful. It is a great pity that we will never get to see them finished. Just like the other stories you had in progress and we have followed the chapters for years.
      So I’d be lying if I said, I’m not sad, but I thank you for the good times and I wish you good luck in everything.
      You should know that for many you are the best Tibette writer, making the characters of Bette and Tina so alive, reflecting so well their inner world, their love story, with touches of humor at times, always with a lot of passion and affection. Your Tibette fanfics have been a real emotional escape, where you can immersing yourself in a beautiful cloud and feel really good in a magic company. I’m going to miss being able to do all that, but one more time, THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU’VE GIVE US!

    16. Hey Browneyedgirl28,

      I’ve loved reading your stories, especially It’s A Small World. That story is one of my all-time favorites and I enjoyed it every time I read it. I’ll miss your fics.

      Thank you for sharing your talent! Best of luck as you chase your dreams.

    17. Hey Browneyedgirl28
      Congratulations on taking those next steps in to book writing and publishing.
      Look forward to seeing all your books in print.
      I’m a long time fan of yours. You write the kind of stories you never get tired of reading over and over.
      Thank you for many years and hours of writing your heart out.

    18. Hi Nicole,

      I’m angry sad and happy to read your post.
      Angry because someone dared to post your work!

      Sad because I love your writings and went back many many times over the years to reread them.

      Happy because you are going to be chasing your dreams!

      Good Luck and I hope that you find success in pursuing your dreams I’m always ready to buy a new book!

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