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    Mercury in Retrograde—Chapter 2

    Bette drove back to the city with the windows down and her music blaring.

    Her Mustang was just over twelve years old, but you’d never know it from the way it handled on the winding roads that led her out of the Hamptons and back to the city. Thank God she’d picked up a few skills with a wrench in her younger years to keep the thing running. The car was her prized possession, and driving it now, she remembered why. She loved the feel of the road beneath her, the give-and-take of the gas under her foot. The city didn’t offer up many chances to drive, so nights like this one were to be enjoyed. She checked the time on the dash and called Shawn to check in.

    ”Why are you bothering me, boss?” The thrum of the music in the background was commonplace to Bette.

    She smiled at the lack of greeting. ”Have you run the place into the ground yet?” she asked over the sound of the wind racing past her car. It was a joke, as she’d grown to trust him implicitly with the bar.

    ”Nope. But the new girl is here again and dressed a bit like a nun. You sure this is going to work out?”

    She sighed. ”No, but she showed up, right? That’s something. How many drinks has she spilled?”

    ”Make that three.”

    Ouch. ”Well, that’s an improvement over the four from last night. I’ll swing by on my way home and pick up the bank drop.”

    ”That should work. If I get a spare minute, I’ll try and have it ready for you.”

    ”Cool. And thanks for stepping up tonight. It was nice to have a night off.”

    ”Anytime. You should give yourself a break more often. Drive safe, boss lady.”

    She clicked off and relaxed into the leather of the driver’s seat as memories of the night flickered. The house had been breathtaking and belonged to Tina’s parents. Translation, she came from money, and a lot of it. Not surprising, given the way she’d carried on. Who knew the woman was such a princess? She’d been aloof at the bar, sure, but the consummate socialite was a side of her that Bette had yet to experience. She flashed on Tina moving from one guest to the next, working the place like she was born to host parties and entertain. Despite the pretention and the know-it-all attitude, Tina still got under her skin in a big way.

    The hazel eyes, the thick blonde hair, and the body that simply wouldn’t stop. Then there were the perfectly coordinated outfits. The business suits and matching heels. God. Even when Tina came to MERCURY in casual attire, she was still ultra put together. Not a hair out of place. Something about it just made Bette want to mess it up a little, take her for a ride on the wild side someday, see how she fared.

    Bette shook her head and smiled into the night as her thoughts dipped to that kiss she hadn’t been able to resist stealing on the beach. Something about their banter-that back-and-forth had pushed her over the edge, and she just hadn’t been able to resist seizing the moment and shutting Tina up a little. There was a definite chemistry between them. That was for sure.

    And she wasn’t yet done exploring that.

    Bette smiled as she drove the rest of the way to Manhattan, enjoying the ride, the night, and reliving the tantalizing details of a stolen moment on a darkened beach.



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