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    2 Talented Girls – (Chapter: 1- Nice to Meet You!)

    2 Talented Girls- Chapter 1 (Nice to Meet You!)

    Spencer’s P.O.V.

    "Spencer! Are you ready yet?"Paula asked

    "No not even close, my make up is all smeared!" ‘Did the people who designed this studio ever hear of air conditioning?’ I think a little hysterically, because a strage hand gave me a bottle of water that I’m sure had some sort of sedative mixed in.

    A make up artist comes over and shoves me into a chair. Real friendly, right? I’m nearly choking on blush, and my eye id half closed from all the gunk loaded on it. Discreetly, or so I hope, I slip into the restroom and wash my face clean. Staring at the mirror, 45 minutes till show time, for the first time since I found out I was being cast on America’s Got Talent, I’m nervous. Those butterflies have turned into full-blown inter- gollactic missles blasting through my stomach.

    "At least I look great!" I think, while I walk out of the bathroom and back to the dressing room. "Mom, I don’t think I can do this!" I said while putting on my lip gloss.

    "Its going to be ok, honey just remember to feel the music!"she replies.

    "Yeah, Mom!…………..Oh my gosh! I just remembered that I forgot my music in the car!" I said after slapping myself on the forehead.

    "Ok, I’ll go get it." she said.

    "No, I’ll get it mom!" So I grab the keys to the car and start running out of the dressing room, and not long after I took off I run right in to a petite brunnette causeing her drop a little stack of sheet music.

    "Damn!" the brunnette yelles and bendsdown to pick up the papers that she had dropped.

    Ashley’s P.O.V.

    Now, I’m not being concieted, I swear, but come on. It’s a lack for me to win this competition. The last guy who went on was playing the trumbone. Truthfully, who’s

    prefer a glasses- wearing Stars Wars obsessed chubby eleven uear old to a young, hot, upandcoming singer? At least, I hope I look hot……..typical. All during rehearsal I’m being shoved in front of mirrors to check for zits, and the night of the show a camel would be easier to find than a mirror. Well, I was walking back to the dressing rooms after I got a stack of sheet music from my car. I was over-looking them and the next thing I know this blonde comes out of nowhere and run right into my causeing me to drop all of my papers.

    "Damn!" I yell, and I bend down to pick up only about half of the papers on the floor I look up and see the blonde holding the other half of papers in her hands. She hands me the small stack of papers.

    "I’m so sorry! I was in a rush and wasn’t looking at where I was going!" she said with the sweetest smile I”ve ever seen.

    "No, prob….. Hi I’m Ashley Davies." I say while holding my hand out.

    "Spencer Carlin, nice to meet you!" she replied while taking my handshake." ‘soft hands.’

    There was this moment of silence that I thought was kind of awkward, I dicided to break the silence. "So, are you in the show?"

    "Yeah, um….I’m playing piano. You?" ‘theres that smile again’

    "I’m going to be playing guitar and singing!" I reply

    "Um…..well thats cool, um… I really have to go, so…. see you around." She said rather nervously and I watched her walk till she opened the door and headed toward the parking lot. ‘Wow, thats my competition, now she is hot! Spencer Carlin…….cute name’ I turn around and walk back to the dressing rooms.

    Spencer’s P.O.V.

    I handed the brunnette the papers that I had picked up.

    "I’m so sorry! I was in a rush and wasn’t looking at where I was going!" I said looking at the brunnette. ‘Damn shes hot’ I think after shlightly checking her out. I turn my attention back to the brunnette.

    "No, prob….. Hi I’m Ashley Davies." she replied and held out her hand.

    "Spencer Carlin, nice to meet you!" she replied while taking her handshake."

    There was this moment of silence. "So, are you in the show?" she askes

    "Yeah, um….I’m playing piano. You?" ‘Damn she has beautiful eyes too!’

    "I’m going to be playing guitar and singing!" she replies. ‘Wow hot and talented! Oh my god what am I thinking…. I’m not gay!’

    "Um…..well thats cool, um… I really have to go, so…. see you around." I said after remembering what I was suppost to do and to the fact that I was totally hitting on a girl! So I turn around and start heading for the parking lot.




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