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    2 Talented Girls – (Chapter: 3- That Was You!)

    2 Talented Girls- Chapter 3 (That was You!)

    This was suppost to be part of the 2nd chapter but it kinda got cut off so here it is.

    Spencer’s P.O.V.

    ‘Wow this girl is talented……… Ashley Davies………wait why does that sound so familiar….. its probulay nothing.’ there was a loud applause, so I turn my attention back to the brunnette who was blowing kisses to the crowd.

    "Spencer!" a voice called out from behind, I turned around. It was my mom. "Yeah" I replied.

    "What are you doing?" she said with a very angrly.

    "I was just watching the show!" I replied cautionsly hoping she might let me stay a bit longer.

    "Well, we have to go!" she replied and I knew that what she ment by go was to go home and just practice, practice, practice till my hand practicly fall off.

    "Can I just watch a little more of the show?" and I did my cuttest little puppydog face I could.

    "Ok, but you better be back in the car in 15 more minutes!"

    "Yes, ‘master’ I mean mom….." she just gave me a evil ‘you are so dead’ look. She is such a Bitch!

    "What was that all about?" a voice came from behind me, I quickly turn around.

    "Nothing just my mom, shes such a bitch shes meaner than the Wicked Witch of the East!"

    "You mean the Wicked Witch of the West!" she replied

    "Yeah…….whatever." I said while thinking about what a totaly retard I must look like.

    "You wanna hang out tonight?" she asked rather confidently.

    "Um……I can’t……my moms waiting for me!………" ‘OMG this girl is very out going I just met her today!’

    "So………" I just give her a smile, she grabbs my hand and leads me out the side door of the studio.


    Spencer’s P.O.V.

    She grabbed my hand and leads me out the side door of the studio. She finally stop right in front of this really nice Porsche, a nice black convertable Posche. "This is your car?" I said while just starring at the expensive vehicle.

    "Yeah…… are you gonna get in or are you just going to look at it?" she asked.

    "Oh…. sorry." I replied while carefully opening the door making sure not to scratch it or antything and I turn around to see the brunette with a ‘just get in the car’ kinda look on her face. I closed the door and the brunnette started the ignition and pulled out of the parking lot. "Um…. where are we goin?" I asked while watching the girl drive.

    "Where do you want to go?" she replied while quickly glancing over at me.

    "I don’t know!"

    "Do you want to get somthing to eat?" she asked.

    "Sure, that sounds good, I didn’t notice how hungry I actually was."

    "Ok, I know where they have the best Mexican food around, you do like mexican food right?" she asked

    "Of course."


    Ashley’s P.O.V

    I took her to Taco Ardiente, and we ordered some tacos. "So, tell me about yourself." I said while taking a bit out of my taco.

    "Well….. um….. I moved here from Ohio a few weeks ago and I’ve been playing piano since I was about 6, my mom’s crazy about it. I have two brothers, but they live with my dad back in Ohio, and…..I had a little sister……but….she …….died when I was 7…."

    "Oh my god….. I’m so sorry!" I replied.

    "Um….my parents got divorced about a year ago and thats pretty much it how about you?" she said after taking a deep breath.

    "Ok…. I’ve been in L.A. all my life umm… my mom’s a marine bioligist so she’s usually away, and……… dad is Raive Davies"

    "Wait! DId you say Raive Davies The Ravies Davies!" she said very angrily.

    "Y…eah…" I replied cautiously.

    "I can’t believe this………In 1997 Clevland, Ohio you dad had a concert there right?" I think back………

    "Ye..ah.." I look at her with a confused look.

    "And you were with him weren’t you?" she said rather quickly and angrily.

    "Yeah…." I said while slightly backing away.

    "Do you remember me backstage that night, I was with my little sister and you said "get out of my way" and you pushed her off the balcony! She died that night!" Now she had tears running down her cheek. I tried to speak but nothing was coming out. She turned around and ran out of the restaurant.








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