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    2 Talented Girls – (Chapter: 5 Is this all underground?)

    Ashley’s POV

    ‘Oh my god, I shouldn’t have done that’ I scream in my head, I turn around and lean on the car window watching the cars zoom by. "She’s going to hate me for sure now!’

    "….Wow…." she says slowly after taking some deap breaths "So….am I still allowed to stay at your place tonight?" she asked playfully, not what I expected.

    "Does this mean you forgive me for everything I did?" I said rather nevously cause this is all very awkward to me, not that I purposly kissed her, I…… I … was just caught up in the moment!

    "Who wouldn’t" she replied.

    "Um…. and yeah you can stay at my house, that is if you still want to!" she just smiles at me like nothing ever happend, theres got to be something up, so I just give her a grin and started the ignition.

    Spencer’s POV (the italics are her conscience)

    ‘Ok, I’m going to give this a try. She didn’t kill Jen……Yes she did

    Are you my conscience?…………….Yes

    Wow, Ok how about pertend that she didn’t kill Jen……….You still know that she did it, your just going to let the girl that killed you sister just get a way with it.’

    She didn’t do it on purpose………You know….wait are you hitting on your sisters murderer.

    What! thats none of your business your suppost to give me advice!………..

    "Speencer……..heellllloooo………" all of a sudden I came back to reality, Ashley was waving her hand in front of my face to get my attention.

    "Oh….. yes" I said

    "Well……we’re here… my house." I looked out the window of the car what I saw was no house….. it was more like…….. a mid sized shed, it was a small shed with peach colored paint peeling off, dirt stains all over the wall and a little rusty light by the front door.

    "Oh…." I said kinda nervous.

    Ashley smiled and said "I know it doesn’t look like much from the outside, but just wait till you see the inside!"

    I looked at her with a confused look. She got out of the car and I followed her to the front door. She turned the key and unlocked the door. To my surprise the inside just held a stair case heading to a lower room. She turned on a light and I followed her down the stairs. She turned on one last light and the inside was a mansion, beautiful marble tile, nice kitchen, and a big living room. She showed me the guest room, it was bigger than maybe half of my house!

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