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    28 Days – (Chapter: Baby I’m ready to go)


    “Do you like her.”


    “I… I think I love her.” Ashley said slowly.


    Wow. She… she’d said it. Unfortunately not to Spencer but still, she’d said it. She was in love with Spencer Carlin. Sod off, give it all, heart on the line in love with Spencer Carlin. Great, what a great time to figure that out. Here she was, sitting on the couch with the guy she’d stolen Spencer from, who admittedly had inadvertently stolen Spencer from her in the first place, and at the same time as Spencer’s parents were most likely banning her from coming anywhere near the blonde again… bad timing for this decision. And yet it was done. And admitted. And decided.


    And it was like the lift of a weight. Because there were about four million songs and how many movies that said it: Love is all you need. If you really do love each other, you’ll work it out. So she’d work it out. They’d work around Spencer’s parents if needed, around Aiden’s childish pouts, around the taunts and recrimination that their relationship would inevitably bring. They’d just… work it out. Right?


    ‘Your faith is touching; heart wrenching; mind-blowingly stupid.’


    “Wow… does she feel the same way?” Oh right, Aiden was still here.


    “I don’t know. I think so.” She considered her answer. “I hope so.”


    “I think she does.” Aiden said. “I just… know, y’know?”


    Ashley nodded. “Is that ok?”


    “Yeah. I’ll get over it.” He laughed. “Hell, I’m sure I can find a whole conglomeration of girls to turn gay now.”


    “You didn’t turn Madison gay,” Ashley pointed out.


    “No, she just left me for Mr. Stupid.” Aiden balled up the piece of lint and threw it at the coffee table. It missed by a huge margin and floated limply to the ground.


    Once again they were both silent. Eventually it got a bit much.


    “Go out?” Ashley asked quickly.


    “Yup.” Aiden said.


    They drove around in circles for awhile, arguing over their destination. Ashley had no intention of going to a sport’s bar and Aiden had no intention of going to a Starbucks. They eventually compromised on a vegan restaurant that had questionable clientele but impeccable cappuccino’s.

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    1. I can’t believe this story is almost over. I’ve loved it from the beginning I loved what you just wrote and I HATE that you just left me hanging!!!

    2. hahaha i concur! makeup sex would be fabulous! and to this post i say tres bien! ohh thats right, goin all french on ya! chyeah chyeha. thank goodness aidens FIANLLY coming around. big dope. anywho, i’m going to be very sad when this story ends :-(. but perhaps with some of your free time you can hound bannerman to post sooner huh? haha just a suggestion! amazing as always.

    3. I can’t believe this story is almost over. I’ve loved it from the beginning I loved what you just wrote and I HATE that you just left me hanging!!!

    4. hahaha i concur! makeup sex would be fabulous! and to this post i say tres bien! ohh thats right, goin all french on ya! chyeah chyeha. thank goodness aidens FIANLLY coming around. big dope. anywho, i’m going to be very sad when this story ends :-(. but perhaps with some of your free time you can hound bannerman to post sooner huh? haha just a suggestion! amazing as always.

    5. omg second last chapter??!!!!! whoa!! i mean i do want to see the ending of this brilliant fic that i love so so much, but i’m rather reluctant to let it end too. sigh. mixed emotions here. but anyway the sarcastic voice in ash’s head is so so funny. so i’ll be twiddling my thumbs awaiting anxiously for the last chapter. oh god. :)

    6. omg second last chapter??!!!!! whoa!! i mean i do want to see the ending of this brilliant fic that i love so so much, but i’m rather reluctant to let it end too. sigh. mixed emotions here. but anyway the sarcastic voice in ash’s head is so so funny. so i’ll be twiddling my thumbs awaiting anxiously for the last chapter. oh god. :)

    7. Hahahaha! You, my little Clomle, are the update master. You updated both stories, in a very small times frame. For that, I’m happy. And I agree, Aiden can be ok sometimes. Like in the car. :] Otherwise I just hate him all the time. S’all good tho. Just get this last chapter in and everything will be resolved. As much as I hate to see this story end, I am sooo excited to read the last chapter. Don’t keep us waiting CLom. PMS please. :]

    8. Hahahaha! You, my little Clomle, are the update master. You updated both stories, in a very small times frame. For that, I’m happy. And I agree, Aiden can be ok sometimes. Like in the car. :] Otherwise I just hate him all the time. S’all good tho. Just get this last chapter in and everything will be resolved. As much as I hate to see this story end, I am sooo excited to read the last chapter. Don’t keep us waiting CLom. PMS please. :]

    9. I like Aiden.. I never like Aiden… I can’t believe this story’s almost over… still loving the voice in Ash’s head… It’s awesome! More PLEASE SOON…

    10. I like Aiden.. I never like Aiden… I can’t believe this story’s almost over… still loving the voice in Ash’s head… It’s awesome! More PLEASE SOON…

    11. Great chapter, i’m glad Aidan finally seems to be getting over it! Aww secong last chapter =[ i really want to know what happens next but i don’t want this story to end =[

    12. Great chapter, i’m glad Aidan finally seems to be getting over it! Aww secong last chapter =[ i really want to know what happens next but i don’t want this story to end =[

    13. :( its so sad that you think no one reads this, look at the commentors who beat me! EVERYone reads this! but i guess its time has come. i can’t wait for the last chapter, they deserve to be together. and in alabama we dont really lynch anymore. we’ll just shoot ya. aint that lovely?

    14. :( its so sad that you think no one reads this, look at the commentors who beat me! EVERYone reads this! but i guess its time has come. i can’t wait for the last chapter, they deserve to be together. and in alabama we dont really lynch anymore. we’ll just shoot ya. aint that lovely?

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