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    28 Days – (Chapter: Baby I’m ready to go)


    It wasn’t perfect, but it was some distraction from the rest of her life at hand. Or at least from the Spencer drama. Aiden was fun to be with, and always good for conversation. The whole topic of Miss Carlin was just too raw for both of them, and thankfully avoided. Ashley was full of faith today, it seemed, because she was fairly sure that she and Aiden’s friendship was ok. Now the only paranoia she had was that she’d never see Spencer again.


    Just as that thought swooped around her head for the millionth time, her cell buzzed in her pocket. Flipping it open, she found a message from Spencer.


    Pick me up?


    Short, to the point, and not just a little cryptic.


    Ashley frowned.


    “What?” Aiden asked.


    Ashley told him. “Do you think her parents want to lynch me?” She asked.


    ‘Yes, and they’ll be wearing little white pointed hats. Jesus Davies, this isn’t Alabama!’


    “I think Spencer just wants you to pick her up,” Aiden replied.


    ‘I can’t believe I’m saying this, but… LISTEN TO AIDEN’


    Well, if Aiden and the voice in her head could agree, Ashley was tempted to listen. She was still scared though. “Come with me?” She asked timidly.


    Aiden rolled his eyes, but he did stand up.


    The conversation in the car on the way to Spencer’s was somewhat stilted. Mostly because every time Ashley opened her mouth to say something Aiden cut in with “Don’t panic.”


    Since everything she was going to say was panic related, it shut her up. End of conversation really.


    Pulling into Spencer’s driveway had Ashley’s blood pumping so fast she could hear it echoing in her ears. The blonde emerged through the door before Ashley’s feet had hit the gravel of the drive and she was halfway to the car when she stopped. Spencer looked confused, and then Ashley remembered that Aiden was in the front seat.


    “Uh, we were hanging out.” Ashley said, suddenly aware of the incredible awkwardness of the situation.




    “Hey Spencer” Aiden called out cheerfully, climbing his way into the back seat. “Ash, are you right to give me a ride back to your place so I can get my car?”


    “Uh huh” she answered, not taking her eyes off Spencer.


    “We should go.” The blonde said. “Before my parents change their minds.”




    ‘You really have lost your ability to form coherent speech haven’t you.’


    She held the door open for Spencer, more out of shock and need to do something than out of chivalry. Then she drove them back to her place.


    It was on the journey that Ashley decided Aiden was a god. And that she loved him. Not like THAT! Not like she loved Spencer, but she did adore him. The stupid jock managed to keep up an easy conversation with both girls, AND to make them laugh, AND to kill the awkwardness.


    Once they reached Ashley’s house, he quickly said his goodbye’s and then the two girls were alone.


    “Inside?” Ashley asked?


    Spencer just nodded.


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    1. I can’t believe this story is almost over. I’ve loved it from the beginning I loved what you just wrote and I HATE that you just left me hanging!!!

    2. hahaha i concur! makeup sex would be fabulous! and to this post i say tres bien! ohh thats right, goin all french on ya! chyeah chyeha. thank goodness aidens FIANLLY coming around. big dope. anywho, i’m going to be very sad when this story ends :-(. but perhaps with some of your free time you can hound bannerman to post sooner huh? haha just a suggestion! amazing as always.

    3. I can’t believe this story is almost over. I’ve loved it from the beginning I loved what you just wrote and I HATE that you just left me hanging!!!

    4. hahaha i concur! makeup sex would be fabulous! and to this post i say tres bien! ohh thats right, goin all french on ya! chyeah chyeha. thank goodness aidens FIANLLY coming around. big dope. anywho, i’m going to be very sad when this story ends :-(. but perhaps with some of your free time you can hound bannerman to post sooner huh? haha just a suggestion! amazing as always.

    5. omg second last chapter??!!!!! whoa!! i mean i do want to see the ending of this brilliant fic that i love so so much, but i’m rather reluctant to let it end too. sigh. mixed emotions here. but anyway the sarcastic voice in ash’s head is so so funny. so i’ll be twiddling my thumbs awaiting anxiously for the last chapter. oh god. :)

    6. omg second last chapter??!!!!! whoa!! i mean i do want to see the ending of this brilliant fic that i love so so much, but i’m rather reluctant to let it end too. sigh. mixed emotions here. but anyway the sarcastic voice in ash’s head is so so funny. so i’ll be twiddling my thumbs awaiting anxiously for the last chapter. oh god. :)

    7. Hahahaha! You, my little Clomle, are the update master. You updated both stories, in a very small times frame. For that, I’m happy. And I agree, Aiden can be ok sometimes. Like in the car. :] Otherwise I just hate him all the time. S’all good tho. Just get this last chapter in and everything will be resolved. As much as I hate to see this story end, I am sooo excited to read the last chapter. Don’t keep us waiting CLom. PMS please. :]

    8. Hahahaha! You, my little Clomle, are the update master. You updated both stories, in a very small times frame. For that, I’m happy. And I agree, Aiden can be ok sometimes. Like in the car. :] Otherwise I just hate him all the time. S’all good tho. Just get this last chapter in and everything will be resolved. As much as I hate to see this story end, I am sooo excited to read the last chapter. Don’t keep us waiting CLom. PMS please. :]

    9. I like Aiden.. I never like Aiden… I can’t believe this story’s almost over… still loving the voice in Ash’s head… It’s awesome! More PLEASE SOON…

    10. I like Aiden.. I never like Aiden… I can’t believe this story’s almost over… still loving the voice in Ash’s head… It’s awesome! More PLEASE SOON…

    11. Great chapter, i’m glad Aidan finally seems to be getting over it! Aww secong last chapter =[ i really want to know what happens next but i don’t want this story to end =[

    12. Great chapter, i’m glad Aidan finally seems to be getting over it! Aww secong last chapter =[ i really want to know what happens next but i don’t want this story to end =[

    13. :( its so sad that you think no one reads this, look at the commentors who beat me! EVERYone reads this! but i guess its time has come. i can’t wait for the last chapter, they deserve to be together. and in alabama we dont really lynch anymore. we’ll just shoot ya. aint that lovely?

    14. :( its so sad that you think no one reads this, look at the commentors who beat me! EVERYone reads this! but i guess its time has come. i can’t wait for the last chapter, they deserve to be together. and in alabama we dont really lynch anymore. we’ll just shoot ya. aint that lovely?

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