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    28 Days – (Chapter: I’ll go hunting for witches)

    ‘You’re really not that bad you know. She’s not the first girl you’ve fucked against a wall outside a club.’

    Ashley shuddered with the thought. It might not have been the first time but she didn’t feel any better about it. It had barely been consensual, although she felt it erred on the side of yes. It had been dirty and awful and no matter how much she showered, there was a layer of grime on her skin that wouldn’t lift.

    The flush of a toilet upstairs startled Ashley out of her self hating inner tirade and back into reality. The cold, hard flat reality of the morning. Sighing she poured the last of he now cold coffee down the sink and slowly walked up the stairs.

    For weeks, all she’d wanted to do was catch a glimpse of the blonde. To lay her eyes on that beautiful face and know for a second that they were meant to be together. Now that Spencer was upstairs, her feet were made of lead. Each lift to get to the next step was a mammoth effort. She made the journey anyway.

    Spencer was sitting on the end of the bed. Not quite the ball of misery she had been the night before, but still pale as hell. She was fingering the edge of the bedspread, rumpled and used, looking very unsure of herself.

    ‘Geez who wouldn’t. It’s not like she didn’t just spend the night in your bed after fucking your best friend two weeks after she fucked you…’ Thanks, thanks brain for just summarizing that so delicately. A real comfort.

    “Hey” she said softly, not looking up from her exploration of the cotton.

    “Hey” Ashley responded. She sat down on the edge of the bed and spread her hands across her knees. May as well get this over. “I think we need to talk Spencer.”

    “I know” Spencer replied, brokenly. “I…what am I going to do?”

    “What do you want to do?”

    The blonde sobbed and put her face in her hands, leaning her elbows on her knees. “I want to make it better but I can’t, I can’t change what I’ve done.”

    Ashley sat quietly, thinking. She’d done a lot of that lately.

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    1. YAY more 28 Days!!! You rockm this story most def. rocks, and this chapter yep more rocking!!! LOL :D ‘Geez who wouldn’t. It’s not like she didn’t just spend the night in your bed after fucking your best friend two weeks after she fucked you…’ Thanks, thanks brain for just summarizing that so delicately. A real comfort.That part cracked me up!!!

    2. YAY more 28 Days!!! You rockm this story most def. rocks, and this chapter yep more rocking!!! LOL :D ‘Geez who wouldn’t. It’s not like she didn’t just spend the night in your bed after fucking your best friend two weeks after she fucked you…’ Thanks, thanks brain for just summarizing that so delicately. A real comfort.That part cracked me up!!!

    3. ‘Maybe the gods switched you with someone else in the middle of the night. I’d check the mirror if I were you, knowing your luck you’ll be Scott Bakula’…that alone makes this update utterly badass. Oh, and Ash said what I wanted her to say and exactly what I would tell Spencer also. Cheers.

    4. ‘Maybe the gods switched you with someone else in the middle of the night. I’d check the mirror if I were you, knowing your luck you’ll be Scott Bakula’…that alone makes this update utterly badass. Oh, and Ash said what I wanted her to say and exactly what I would tell Spencer also. Cheers.

    5. WOOHOO! ITS BACK! HELL YEAH! i missed this story quite a bit! though i did get quite the clomle fix from your freaking amazing piece of work known as best for me. uh yeah. LOVED IT! great update. spencer better make the right choice yo.

    6. WOOHOO! ITS BACK! HELL YEAH! i missed this story quite a bit! though i did get quite the clomle fix from your freaking amazing piece of work known as best for me. uh yeah. LOVED IT! great update. spencer better make the right choice yo.

    7. I can’t believe how screwed up Spencer is and how mature Ashley is being…..but, I love it. Poor Aiden…he made the girl vomit! LMAO;) If she’s nice, when she breaks up with him, she’ll leave that part out.

    8. I can’t believe how screwed up Spencer is and how mature Ashley is being…..but, I love it. Poor Aiden…he made the girl vomit! LMAO;) If she’s nice, when she breaks up with him, she’ll leave that part out.

    9. Fuck. Pegleg stole my comment. I was totally going to make a Scott Bakula comment, but now I don’t want to seem unoriginal. Oh well. Update soon or I’ll have another asthmatic fit.

    10. Fuck. Pegleg stole my comment. I was totally going to make a Scott Bakula comment, but now I don’t want to seem unoriginal. Oh well. Update soon or I’ll have another asthmatic fit.

    11. awesome chap, Clom! thank you for updating. I’m amazed by how measured Ash was. I’m also amazed by how measured you are with me, lol! sorry my comment is short and shit, my brain’s frazzled and I’ve gotta figure out how to scrape together about 500quid to mend something I shouldn’t have broken that doesn’t belong to me :-( I’ve put a new chapter up on t’other board btw. It’ll be on here sometime soon. Jx

    12. awesome chap, Clom! thank you for updating. I’m amazed by how measured Ash was. I’m also amazed by how measured you are with me, lol! sorry my comment is short and shit, my brain’s frazzled and I’ve gotta figure out how to scrape together about 500quid to mend something I shouldn’t have broken that doesn’t belong to me :-( I’ve put a new chapter up on t’other board btw. It’ll be on here sometime soon. Jx

    13. Sweet. Sweet. and… Harsh. But a very sweet harsh. Yeah I make sense. And I, also, need this story to keep me breathing. After ending best for me, I’m desperate here! Spare me

    14. Sweet. Sweet. and… Harsh. But a very sweet harsh. Yeah I make sense. And I, also, need this story to keep me breathing. After ending best for me, I’m desperate here! Spare me

    15. Oh how I love this story!!! Happy happy joy joy!! But boy, Ashley is one tough cookie to be so gracious to Spencer. And okay, I know she considers Aiden her pal, but shoot, he KNEW how much she liked Spencer! Dog.

    16. Oh how I love this story!!! Happy happy joy joy!! But boy, Ashley is one tough cookie to be so gracious to Spencer. And okay, I know she considers Aiden her pal, but shoot, he KNEW how much she liked Spencer! Dog.

    17. yeeeeeaaaah!!! a quantum leap reference! i would fall asleep after watching that show as a child. memories… anyway, this update is brilliant as usual but leaves me wondering what spencer is going to do. ashley is too good of a friend, she cant lose spence without a fight at least!

    18. yeeeeeaaaah!!! a quantum leap reference! i would fall asleep after watching that show as a child. memories… anyway, this update is brilliant as usual but leaves me wondering what spencer is going to do. ashley is too good of a friend, she cant lose spence without a fight at least!

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