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    28 Days – (Chapter: Is it still me that makes you sweat?)


    “Aiden, why’d you bring these freaks with you?” That was Madison, to the point.


    ‘Because he’s taking a summer course entitled ‘How to torture Ashley Davies’’


    Aiden threw an arm around Spencer’s shoulders and kissed her on the top of the head.

    “Chill Madison, we’re all here to have fun. Hey, volleyball.” Kicking off his shoes, he ran onto the sand.


    “Jocks” Ashley said under her breath. She thought she saw a flicker of a smile from Spencer.


    “Just don’t get any ideas with all the bikini’s around Davies” Madison spat at her. “I don’t need your dirty eyes all over me.”


    “Madison, I’d rather scratch my eyes out with a spork than look at your heifer body.”


    Leaving the fuming cheerbitch and Spencer standing behind, Ashley grabbed a towel and found a lone patch of sand. Setting up camp she threw off her shirt and threw on her sunglasses. If she was stuck here, she may as well work on her tan. Lying down she closed her eyes and tried not to think of the delicious blonde haired girl who was standing only 20 metres away. Of course, that just made her think of Spencer… naked… and straining…


    ‘Jesus Davies… obsessed with sex much?’


    Sighing she rolled over and let her back get some sun. A shadow cast over her.


    “You know that’s a good way to get skin cancer” Spencer’s dulcet tones warned.


    “Like I care” Ashley replied coldly. She didn’t look up, she wasn’t sure she could contain herself if she did.




    “Fuck off Spencer.”


    The shadow stayed put for a few moments, moments that stretched. Then it left and Ashley was alone.


    She spat sand when Aiden skidded up and covered her in it about 2 hours later.


    “Aiden you fuck twit!” She growled.


    “Sorry. Dude, you’re totally getting burned here. Why aren’t you playing?”


    Ashley shrugged her shoulders and turned away from him. She was angry with him, but she knew he wouldn’t understand. Or notice. He sat down on the sand next to her and looked at her with careful thoughts.


    “Do you want to talk about it?”


    Ok, maybe he did notice more than she gave him credit for.


    “Nothing to talk about” she replied shortly.

    “Ash I’m not stupid. I know you liked her.”


    She said nothing, afraid of what might come out of her mouth, or her eyes, if she spoke.


    “But I really like her too” he continued. “I’m sorry Ash, it’s not about win or lose, but she likes me, I like her. We’re good together. Can you be happy for me? Please, because she wants to keep being your friend and she’s all upset you won’t be. She thinks you’ll hate her because of our past and you guys were getting along so well.”


    ‘You have no idea…’


    “Ash, can’t you just be happy for me?” He looked so pitiful. It wasn’t his fault Spencer was lying through her teeth.


    Ashley didn’t know what was worse, the web of lies that Spencer had made for Aiden, or the one Ashley was about to spin for him now.


    “Yes. I can be happy for you.”




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    1. NOOOOOOOO!!!!! It’s not right! I wanted to sit right there next to Ash and just cry! That’s all I can think about doing right now. What is wrong with Spencer? She just….she….grrrrrr. I’m really happy you posted though. Really really happy. Extremely really happy. I’m more happy than a….uh…well I’m just really happy. Let’s keep up the frequent updates with this story shall we? I don’t think I could take another lond break from it. Loved it!!!

    2. “Aiden you fuck twit!” She growled. HA!!!!!”Madison, I’d rather scratch my eyes out with a spork than look at your heifer body.” DOUBLE HA!!!! You are so funny. I love this and I hate how Spencer is being a total ass! Get with the program Spence! Ash is right there. In a bikini. Half naked. Do something and get over pretending your not gay!!!! Hey Clom. Awesome post. Update soon. You don’t do it enuff! I’m all jittery and excited like Aiden. I can just imagine him standing on the spot fidgeting like a 5 yr old who has to pee. FUN-NY!

    3. uh…ash…no you cant be happy! jeeze…i really hope spencer and ashley arnt going to go the whole ‘friends’ route, cause that is just so typical…*sigh* anyways, i’m absolutly over the moon right now that you updated! like WOW! lol and before the month was even up! look at that! i’m joking ya of course, you just update this story when ever you please! but you know, some time in the near future would be prefered…

    4. Okay…this fic is burrowing into my bones, Sarah. I just bawled over this last post. It’s my mood and the crap day I had…but, mostly, because I can this situation happening to so many girls. Or boys. There’s no way to win. I want to envelope Ash in the biggest hug ever. I don’t know what’s worse…finding this beautiful connection and then having it ripped from you purposefully because Spencer can’t deal with the reprocussions of it all…or the big fat lie that will hover over she and Spencer and Aiden as long as they know each other. Every look Spence and Ash share will be so deep and meaningful, full of love and pain and shame. I know I couoldn’t live like that. But Ash has isolated herself and no doubt knows without these two, she has no one. Gah. Such a low low low blow by Spencer, but she is suffering also, because we live in a world where not everyone is free to love and right now I think that just sucks.

    5. SOOOO glad that you updated! screw Aiden. he should be buried under the sand and left there to rot. “Its not about win or lose..” my ass it isn’t Aiden would go ahead and do what he wanted anyway. eh i feel Ashleys pain. avoid the friendship route at all costs!

    6. im not in the greatest comment mood, but i wanted to let you know i read it. and i loved it. my favourite word; obscenities. and my fav phrase; web of lies. post more as soon as possible. i adore all of your writing, you sexy thang you.

    7. this fic is killing me slowly. i want ashley to run, because in the real world, there’s no happy ending to this story. but maybe in the world of clomle spencer will get her head out of her ass! (couldn’t help it.) gah. it’s great stuff.

    8. As much as I sympathize with Ashley, I can’t completely blame Spencer for what she’s doing…yep, had to play pretend for a long, long time to avoid a family shutout. Don’t sacrifice your happiness, Spencer!! And poor Ash…that torturous battle of trying to make yourself despise someone when you love them so much….freaking nightmare.

    9. You know, Spencer is my favorite character on this show (as you well know) but I’m finding her the least sympathetic character in this fic and it’s breaking my heart. Spaiden?! That’s almost worse than Ashden…..ALMOST. NOTHING is worse than Ashden, I tell you. NOTHING. I mean, even Aiden should be sympathized with because the poor lug has no idea what’s going on. He really thinks Spencer digs him and he has NO idea what really happened between them. Ugh. And don’t get me started on Ashley. Seriously.

    10. i sooo get what peglegmeg said. and in the real world prolly spencer would run and run forever leaving ash in the dust. not that she want to, but she need to. not everyone can make the brave decision to step out and love freely and leave everything else to be dammed. gosh i’m getting emotional here. but i cant help it. AT you are incredible, utterly sensational!!! u make me wanna cry beside ash too. and pick her up and look for other girls cos spence is being a egghead. a cruel egghead. waitaminute goob!! u dun mind me calling u good do you, goober? you forgot to tell AT who was the one who captured her earlier. see i’m her new bodyguard so i need to know these things to keep her safe. ;)

    11. My roomies are not a very big fan of yours right now. Well, that’s what you get for making me laugh out loud – really really very loud – at 4 am with this brilliant line: “Madison, I’d rather scratch my eyes out with a spork than look at your heifer body.” Hahahaha. Darn, there I go again. Very much not appreciated by the roomies, but so worth having them hate me.

    12. i hate how much better than me you are at writing! but not enough to keep me from loving your stories. and spencer needs to get her act together..because..ashley’s there in a bikini, and they’re both in love with each other. she’s being a little ridiculous, yeah? annyways…i always forget about this story til you post a new one. but it makes it that much a surprise you knew about, but forgot. or something. not that that made any sense, but whatever. keep up the good work :]

    13. hey that was a great update. i totally loved it.. damn ash has some good zingers in there lol.. no not the kfc ones the one liners :P i totally wish that going to the beach all u see is gorgeous girls in bikinis… come to where i live… right on the beach.. all u see is overweight men with no shirts, wheres all the GURLS!! ARGH LOL anyway after that tangent… i LOVED it

    14. Aiden is such a ass. How could spencer do that to ashely. I dont blame ashely if she never talks to spencer again. Ashely needs to tell both of them to fuck off for good. PMS

    15. Spencer sucks(literally) for treating Ashley this way. This is sweet torture for me. I hate it and i love it. I feel so bad for Ashley for having to watch them together. Spencer nor Aiden is a good friend to Ash. They could at least give her space & time but…. then we’d have nothing to read. And that’d suck more. I loved the Spencie-wencie name. And I also loved how ashley told Spencer to fuck off. Way to go girl! Atleast she’s not crying in front of them playing the victim role. Like Spencer who’s just bending over and taking it (literally). I’m so glad I’m not in high school anymore. Because the truth is, Aiden means no real harm. They (Aiden&Spence) “like eachother”. And its really that simple in high school (most times). My friend dated my ex and my ex dated her sister and her sister and I dated……Please post more soon.

    16. Please please keep updating this story! I love it, it’s sooo good. Spencer is just COLD man, did she tell Glen that Ash forced herself on Spence? Man…I understand being scared but I don’t know how Spencer’s gonna talk herself out of this one. Can’t wait to find out!! So PMS!!

    17. NOOOOOOOO!!!!! It’s not right! I wanted to sit right there next to Ash and just cry! That’s all I can think about doing right now. What is wrong with Spencer? She just….she….grrrrrr. I’m really happy you posted though. Really really happy. Extremely really happy. I’m more happy than a….uh…well I’m just really happy. Let’s keep up the frequent updates with this story shall we? I don’t think I could take another lond break from it. Loved it!!!

    18. “Aiden you fuck twit!” She growled. HA!!!!!”Madison, I’d rather scratch my eyes out with a spork than look at your heifer body.” DOUBLE HA!!!! You are so funny. I love this and I hate how Spencer is being a total ass! Get with the program Spence! Ash is right there. In a bikini. Half naked. Do something and get over pretending your not gay!!!! Hey Clom. Awesome post. Update soon. You don’t do it enuff! I’m all jittery and excited like Aiden. I can just imagine him standing on the spot fidgeting like a 5 yr old who has to pee. FUN-NY!

    19. uh…ash…no you cant be happy! jeeze…i really hope spencer and ashley arnt going to go the whole ‘friends’ route, cause that is just so typical…*sigh* anyways, i’m absolutly over the moon right now that you updated! like WOW! lol and before the month was even up! look at that! i’m joking ya of course, you just update this story when ever you please! but you know, some time in the near future would be prefered…

    20. Okay…this fic is burrowing into my bones, Sarah. I just bawled over this last post. It’s my mood and the crap day I had…but, mostly, because I can this situation happening to so many girls. Or boys. There’s no way to win. I want to envelope Ash in the biggest hug ever. I don’t know what’s worse…finding this beautiful connection and then having it ripped from you purposefully because Spencer can’t deal with the reprocussions of it all…or the big fat lie that will hover over she and Spencer and Aiden as long as they know each other. Every look Spence and Ash share will be so deep and meaningful, full of love and pain and shame. I know I couoldn’t live like that. But Ash has isolated herself and no doubt knows without these two, she has no one. Gah. Such a low low low blow by Spencer, but she is suffering also, because we live in a world where not everyone is free to love and right now I think that just sucks.

    21. SOOOO glad that you updated! screw Aiden. he should be buried under the sand and left there to rot. “Its not about win or lose..” my ass it isn’t Aiden would go ahead and do what he wanted anyway. eh i feel Ashleys pain. avoid the friendship route at all costs!

    22. im not in the greatest comment mood, but i wanted to let you know i read it. and i loved it. my favourite word; obscenities. and my fav phrase; web of lies. post more as soon as possible. i adore all of your writing, you sexy thang you.

    23. this fic is killing me slowly. i want ashley to run, because in the real world, there’s no happy ending to this story. but maybe in the world of clomle spencer will get her head out of her ass! (couldn’t help it.) gah. it’s great stuff.

    24. As much as I sympathize with Ashley, I can’t completely blame Spencer for what she’s doing…yep, had to play pretend for a long, long time to avoid a family shutout. Don’t sacrifice your happiness, Spencer!! And poor Ash…that torturous battle of trying to make yourself despise someone when you love them so much….freaking nightmare.

    25. You know, Spencer is my favorite character on this show (as you well know) but I’m finding her the least sympathetic character in this fic and it’s breaking my heart. Spaiden?! That’s almost worse than Ashden…..ALMOST. NOTHING is worse than Ashden, I tell you. NOTHING. I mean, even Aiden should be sympathized with because the poor lug has no idea what’s going on. He really thinks Spencer digs him and he has NO idea what really happened between them. Ugh. And don’t get me started on Ashley. Seriously.

    26. i sooo get what peglegmeg said. and in the real world prolly spencer would run and run forever leaving ash in the dust. not that she want to, but she need to. not everyone can make the brave decision to step out and love freely and leave everything else to be dammed. gosh i’m getting emotional here. but i cant help it. AT you are incredible, utterly sensational!!! u make me wanna cry beside ash too. and pick her up and look for other girls cos spence is being a egghead. a cruel egghead. waitaminute goob!! u dun mind me calling u good do you, goober? you forgot to tell AT who was the one who captured her earlier. see i’m her new bodyguard so i need to know these things to keep her safe. ;)

    27. My roomies are not a very big fan of yours right now. Well, that’s what you get for making me laugh out loud – really really very loud – at 4 am with this brilliant line: “Madison, I’d rather scratch my eyes out with a spork than look at your heifer body.” Hahahaha. Darn, there I go again. Very much not appreciated by the roomies, but so worth having them hate me.

    28. i hate how much better than me you are at writing! but not enough to keep me from loving your stories. and spencer needs to get her act together..because..ashley’s there in a bikini, and they’re both in love with each other. she’s being a little ridiculous, yeah? annyways…i always forget about this story til you post a new one. but it makes it that much a surprise you knew about, but forgot. or something. not that that made any sense, but whatever. keep up the good work :]

    29. hey that was a great update. i totally loved it.. damn ash has some good zingers in there lol.. no not the kfc ones the one liners :P i totally wish that going to the beach all u see is gorgeous girls in bikinis… come to where i live… right on the beach.. all u see is overweight men with no shirts, wheres all the GURLS!! ARGH LOL anyway after that tangent… i LOVED it

    30. Aiden is such a ass. How could spencer do that to ashely. I dont blame ashely if she never talks to spencer again. Ashely needs to tell both of them to fuck off for good. PMS

    31. Spencer sucks(literally) for treating Ashley this way. This is sweet torture for me. I hate it and i love it. I feel so bad for Ashley for having to watch them together. Spencer nor Aiden is a good friend to Ash. They could at least give her space & time but…. then we’d have nothing to read. And that’d suck more. I loved the Spencie-wencie name. And I also loved how ashley told Spencer to fuck off. Way to go girl! Atleast she’s not crying in front of them playing the victim role. Like Spencer who’s just bending over and taking it (literally). I’m so glad I’m not in high school anymore. Because the truth is, Aiden means no real harm. They (Aiden&Spence) “like eachother”. And its really that simple in high school (most times). My friend dated my ex and my ex dated her sister and her sister and I dated……Please post more soon.

    32. Please please keep updating this story! I love it, it’s sooo good. Spencer is just COLD man, did she tell Glen that Ash forced herself on Spence? Man…I understand being scared but I don’t know how Spencer’s gonna talk herself out of this one. Can’t wait to find out!! So PMS!!

    33. I dont know how many times i have to say this before you get it. You are an amazing writer. The sides of humanity you depict in your fic. are amazing. i could never write as you do. read these words for what they say. This was a great update. a great picture in to heartbreak and angst but having to live in the world. or being forced to live in the world. If we all had and Aiden to pull us out every now and then, how beautiful would it all be? some one to smack you on the head and go RESPOND TO LIFE!! We can all be that for other people , and we all have that in some one whether we see it or not. You are touching on so many different issues, that if i were to begin to explain them here, i’d write a novel. Sarah, i admire you’re abilites

    34. I dont know how many times i have to say this before you get it. You are an amazing writer. The sides of humanity you depict in your fic. are amazing. i could never write as you do. read these words for what they say. This was a great update. a great picture in to heartbreak and angst but having to live in the world. or being forced to live in the world. If we all had and Aiden to pull us out every now and then, how beautiful would it all be? some one to smack you on the head and go RESPOND TO LIFE!! We can all be that for other people , and we all have that in some one whether we see it or not. You are touching on so many different issues, that if i were to begin to explain them here, i’d write a novel. Sarah, i admire you’re abilites

    35. WHAT!?!?? I don’t even know what to say. I usually don’t even punctuate correctly in comments but this one… this one is special. I have read this last post and I was going along pretty well, especially at the ‘fuck off, spencer’ because for the moment… it was perfect. I would’ve done the same thing. But this AIDEN nonsense, good GOD why is Spencer THIS scared about her and Ashley? I can only think she has the same strong influence at home like on the show but worse, these characters… they are so dimensional, full of honest reactions and I am SO devastated for Ashley right now. For her to be a real friend for Aiden right now, I’d just say she’s lying as much as Spencer is. Spence must come around; she can’t just ignore what they have! Damn. Thank you for not making us wait months for this update!

    36. WHAT!?!?? I don’t even know what to say. I usually don’t even punctuate correctly in comments but this one… this one is special. I have read this last post and I was going along pretty well, especially at the ‘fuck off, spencer’ because for the moment… it was perfect. I would’ve done the same thing. But this AIDEN nonsense, good GOD why is Spencer THIS scared about her and Ashley? I can only think she has the same strong influence at home like on the show but worse, these characters… they are so dimensional, full of honest reactions and I am SO devastated for Ashley right now. For her to be a real friend for Aiden right now, I’d just say she’s lying as much as Spencer is. Spence must come around; she can’t just ignore what they have! Damn. Thank you for not making us wait months for this update!

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