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    28 Days – (Chapter: Like the 80’s never happened)


    Ashley just laughed.


    They sat in silence for a few minutes before Ashley felt Spencer lie down next to her, just inches away. She mirrored Ashley’s pose, arm flung across her eyes and knees slightly flexed. “It’s hot.”

    “It’s the beach at summer, it’s supposed to be hot Spencer.” Ashley replied drily.


    “The others will be wondering where we are.”


    “The others can bite my ass.”


    ‘Ooh, snappy Davies. Got some growl to go with that bite.’ Damn straight she did.


    “Careful, Madison might actually take you up on that offer.” Spencer grinned.


    ‘Damn Davies, she’s caught your sense of humour. Who knew it was contagious. You got anything else contagious she should know about? Gonorrhoea for instance…’


    “If she did, I’d… I’d…”


    “Nice comeback.”


    “Oh hush you” Ashley said, rolling over and poking Spencer in the side. That provoked Spencer into poking her back. Then more poking ensued. It was inevitable really, that it would deteriorate into a first class tickling contest, one that Ashley won. Only to find herself lying almost full length on top of Spencer pinning the girls’ hands to the rock above her head. Suddenly the laughing was over and all that was left was the two girls in a very compromising position breathing hard. Ashley couldn’t help notice the swell of Spencer’s breasts rise and fall, or the fact that her knees had slipped either side of one of the blonde’s knees, and now that knee was perilously close to her own centre.


    Lowering her head gently Ashley’s eyes flashed. “Say uncle” she whispered.


    For long moments blue, blue eyes regarded her. Then she saw a flash of defiance back in them. With a slight smile

    ”Nu uh.”


    Ashley lowered her head even further. Now her body was pressing into Spencer’s in the most delicious manner thinkable. The junction between her legs was now pressing into Spencer’s thigh and she felt the blonde flex it, pushing harder. The thin material of her shorts was no barrier. Ashley swallowed, feeling the wetness begin to mount.


    She let her mouth get to within an inch of Spencer’s and then whispered again. “Say Uncle.”

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    1. My mouth dropped when I read smurfturkey’s prediction. I think its kinda soon to tell but, still……I don’t think I want Spencer to be pregnant. Because in all reality, Ashley should RUN! (or maybe that’s just something I would do….lol even though its not funny) That girl has issues like I don’t know what!

    2. hope the girl hasn’t done anything stew-pid again! certainly she wouldn’t mess them up again, its got to be the family… got to be! wonderful update, and special thanks for the uncle scene, holy criminy!

    3. “Ashley followed her, watching as her own slightly smaller feet tried to stay exactly in her companions footsteps. She tried not to indent the edges, so it looked like only one person had come across the sand.” sigh. when i read that it just reminds me of soppy sentimental chinese/korean drama series. can’t remember the significance of it but i bet it was something incredibly romantic bout it. love this sweet update!!! :)

    4. My mouth dropped when I read smurfturkey’s prediction. I think its kinda soon to tell but, still……I don’t think I want Spencer to be pregnant. Because in all reality, Ashley should RUN! (or maybe that’s just something I would do….lol even though its not funny) That girl has issues like I don’t know what!

    5. hope the girl hasn’t done anything stew-pid again! certainly she wouldn’t mess them up again, its got to be the family… got to be! wonderful update, and special thanks for the uncle scene, holy criminy!

    6. “Ashley followed her, watching as her own slightly smaller feet tried to stay exactly in her companions footsteps. She tried not to indent the edges, so it looked like only one person had come across the sand.” sigh. when i read that it just reminds me of soppy sentimental chinese/korean drama series. can’t remember the significance of it but i bet it was something incredibly romantic bout it. love this sweet update!!! :)

    7. Am I the first to comment…..I didn’t cheat this time, I read first:)Yeah, how does Spencer get in the house? I wonder what she’s crying now. PMS please.

    8. Am I the first to comment…..I didn’t cheat this time, I read first:)Yeah, how does Spencer get in the house? I wonder what she’s crying now. PMS please.

    9. what happened to spencer??? fix her now…i don’t like it when she is sad. boo. i loved this chapter!!! that whole “say uncle” bit was fabulous. please post another soon!!! i’ll be forced to cry if you don’t.

    10. what happened to spencer??? fix her now…i don’t like it when she is sad. boo. i loved this chapter!!! that whole “say uncle” bit was fabulous. please post another soon!!! i’ll be forced to cry if you don’t.

    11. I agree with schminda the whole “say uncle” scene.. very well written.. I mean it all was but WoW that was hott….. Why do you always leave Spencer crying??? I’d almost swear you had something against the girl ;) More please like now………or now…….or now…. or…………….

    12. I agree with schminda the whole “say uncle” scene.. very well written.. I mean it all was but WoW that was hott….. Why do you always leave Spencer crying??? I’d almost swear you had something against the girl ;) More please like now………or now…….or now…. or…………….

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