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    28 Days – (Chapter: Like the 80’s never happened)


    Ashley had opened her mouth to say something, defend herself, when Spencer beat her to the punch.


    “Fuck you’re an asshole Glen,” she’d said angrily. “Why don’t you grow some balls and get over whatever has you by the short and curlies.”


    Then she’d gotten up off the sand and stormed off. Giving Glen a ‘so there and why don’t you take that’ look, Ashley followed her.


    She caught up with Spencer and caught her by the elbow.


    “God he is such a jerk!” the blonde exploded.


    “I know Spence, I know. Hard to believe he’s related to you!” Ashley joked.


    “Argh. He makes me so mad.”


    “Hey, hey, it’s ok,” Ashley soothed, pulling the other girl into a firm but quick embrace. “He’s just an idiot, don’t let him get to you like that.”


    “I don’t care what he thinks” Spencer spat, “I care that he speaks.”


    Ashley laughed. “Well, at least you don’t care what he thinks.”


    It added to the slight pall that hung over the day. As the sun went down, the group splintered off, everyone heading home, or out. Ashley had hoped Spencer could come back to her place, or at least come out, but the blonde was expected at home. They both made faces as Glen called for her to get in the car.


    “I’ll see you tomorrow” Spencer said grumpily.


    “Don’t look so beat up about it!” Ashley laughed.


    “I’d rather it was tonight.” Spencer pouted and Ashley curbed the urge to smooth it out with her thumb. Or to kiss it better.


    ‘No, you should kiss it better. See what Glen say’s about THAT!’ Ashley sensibly ignored the voice.


    After Spencer had left, Ashley realized she was the only one left on the beach. Picking up her stuff she made her way back to the car, hoping Aiden would still be nearby somewhere. She figured they had to talk.


    He wasn’t there, so she tried his cell phone. It was on, but it rang out. Twice. He was avoiding her. Sighing dramatically, she put her stuff in her car and drove home.


    The emptiness of her home, combined with a slight ache of emptiness inside her, soon drove her out again. She found something to eat, and then tried Aiden’s phone again. No answer. She drove by his house, and said hi to his parents, but Aiden was out. Wow, he really was avoiding her.


    ‘Or he’s busy. No, wait, that option would make it NOT about you, right, he’s avoiding you.’ The sarcasm in her head was stinging.


    She found herself a bar, and had a drink. She considered turning one into two, but just didn’t feel like it. She felt like heading home to her air-conditioned house, lying on her bed and daydreaming about Spencer. Sounded like a good plan.


    It was getting late anyway. She’d managed to kill a few hours shopping, eating and cruising around. She pulled into her driveway and climbed up her stairs. Halfway up she got a sudden burst of energy and took the last few two at a time. Flinging the door to her room open she was about three steps in when she realized that, once again, Spencer Carlin was sitting on the end of her bed. And she was crying.



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    1. My mouth dropped when I read smurfturkey’s prediction. I think its kinda soon to tell but, still……I don’t think I want Spencer to be pregnant. Because in all reality, Ashley should RUN! (or maybe that’s just something I would do….lol even though its not funny) That girl has issues like I don’t know what!

    2. hope the girl hasn’t done anything stew-pid again! certainly she wouldn’t mess them up again, its got to be the family… got to be! wonderful update, and special thanks for the uncle scene, holy criminy!

    3. “Ashley followed her, watching as her own slightly smaller feet tried to stay exactly in her companions footsteps. She tried not to indent the edges, so it looked like only one person had come across the sand.” sigh. when i read that it just reminds me of soppy sentimental chinese/korean drama series. can’t remember the significance of it but i bet it was something incredibly romantic bout it. love this sweet update!!! :)

    4. My mouth dropped when I read smurfturkey’s prediction. I think its kinda soon to tell but, still……I don’t think I want Spencer to be pregnant. Because in all reality, Ashley should RUN! (or maybe that’s just something I would do….lol even though its not funny) That girl has issues like I don’t know what!

    5. hope the girl hasn’t done anything stew-pid again! certainly she wouldn’t mess them up again, its got to be the family… got to be! wonderful update, and special thanks for the uncle scene, holy criminy!

    6. “Ashley followed her, watching as her own slightly smaller feet tried to stay exactly in her companions footsteps. She tried not to indent the edges, so it looked like only one person had come across the sand.” sigh. when i read that it just reminds me of soppy sentimental chinese/korean drama series. can’t remember the significance of it but i bet it was something incredibly romantic bout it. love this sweet update!!! :)

    7. Am I the first to comment…..I didn’t cheat this time, I read first:)Yeah, how does Spencer get in the house? I wonder what she’s crying now. PMS please.

    8. Am I the first to comment…..I didn’t cheat this time, I read first:)Yeah, how does Spencer get in the house? I wonder what she’s crying now. PMS please.

    9. what happened to spencer??? fix her now…i don’t like it when she is sad. boo. i loved this chapter!!! that whole “say uncle” bit was fabulous. please post another soon!!! i’ll be forced to cry if you don’t.

    10. what happened to spencer??? fix her now…i don’t like it when she is sad. boo. i loved this chapter!!! that whole “say uncle” bit was fabulous. please post another soon!!! i’ll be forced to cry if you don’t.

    11. I agree with schminda the whole “say uncle” scene.. very well written.. I mean it all was but WoW that was hott….. Why do you always leave Spencer crying??? I’d almost swear you had something against the girl ;) More please like now………or now…….or now…. or…………….

    12. I agree with schminda the whole “say uncle” scene.. very well written.. I mean it all was but WoW that was hott….. Why do you always leave Spencer crying??? I’d almost swear you had something against the girl ;) More please like now………or now…….or now…. or…………….

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