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    28 Days – (Chapter: Nothin’ left for me to do but dance)

    She couldn’t help it. The sensible piece of Ashley, admittedly the very, very small piece that existed, was screaming that this was a bad idea. But Spencer’s mouth was hot and wanting on hers and her hand was sliding deliciously up into Ashley’s curls and Ashley was lost.


    She pressed Spencer back into the side of the bed, letting her tongue sweep into the blonde’s mouth and bringing a groan from the girl. Her hands drifted down Spencer’s sides, running over her ribs and down to where the small piece of skin was exposed between the blonde’s top and bottoms. The skin was soft, smooth, so tempting.


    The broke apart panting, needing oxygen, and then the hand in Ashley’s hair tightened and their mouths met again, crashing together over and over, sliding against each other. Wet, open mouths, soft lips and tantilising tastes. Hands were getting frantic, now dipping under clothes, fingers flexing and nails digging in slightly. God this was so good.


    Ashley broke off desperately and Spencer groaned,


    “God don’t stop, please Ash.” The blonde’s eyes were glazed, her mouth parted and she was panting slightly. It was so erotic Ashley nearly passed out. “Please, I can’t… I don’t think of anything else, I need you…”


    Ashley had no intention of stopping. The voice in her head had conveniently wandered over to the small sensible part of her and stamped one large foot on it, silencing it immediately.


    ‘You’re so very welcome’


    She hauled herself to her feet and held a hand out to Spencer, pulling the blonde up next to her and then reeling her back into an embrace. Their mouths met again, hungry as ever, Ashley mutely reassuring Spencer that she wasn’t going to stop, wasn’t intending to do anything except slake both of their thirsts, take them both to the point of no return.


    They fell onto the bed, legs tangling and Spencer pressing herself in close. Her lithe figure was lean against Ashley and the brunette was on fire from it. She slid her hands under Spencer’s shirt and lifted it off, gasping as the blonde’s mouth shifted to her neck, biting and kissing its way down. If the blonde had ever had any uncertainty in bed, it had disappeared. She wasn’t exactly aggressive, but she wasn’t holding back, and it was driving Ashley crazy.

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    1. Damn Paula for walking in and ruining things just as they were getting good! Great chapter, i hope Spencer sorts everything out with her family in the next chapter, update soon!

    2. Man… sooo glad to see Spencer stand up to her mum! But don’t people know how to shut and LOCK doors??? Put book cases in front of the door ir whatever it takes to keep unwanted people from coming in… And I hope Ash has a talk with that maid… LOL

    3. Damn Paula for walking in and ruining things just as they were getting good! Great chapter, i hope Spencer sorts everything out with her family in the next chapter, update soon!

    4. Man… sooo glad to see Spencer stand up to her mum! But don’t people know how to shut and LOCK doors??? Put book cases in front of the door ir whatever it takes to keep unwanted people from coming in… And I hope Ash has a talk with that maid… LOL

    5. Now if THAT’S not an awkward situation…and I agree with Ashley. I’d be wondering how the hell everyone kept getting in, too. She needs to have a talk with that maid about who’s allowed in and who most certainly is NOT. And yes, the frequent updates are awesome. Hate to see this one end, though, but like all good things, it’s inevitable.

    6. Now if THAT’S not an awkward situation…and I agree with Ashley. I’d be wondering how the hell everyone kept getting in, too. She needs to have a talk with that maid about who’s allowed in and who most certainly is NOT. And yes, the frequent updates are awesome. Hate to see this one end, though, but like all good things, it’s inevitable.

    7. I like it! Glad to see they’re back on track and that Spencer’s grown some balls – figuratively, not literally, cos I’m sure that’d cause a stir once her and Ash finally got down to it!! I love your frequent updating again, and how you’re managing to juggle so many fics. I’m struggling to keep up with one at the mo! It’s bugging me that I don’t have the time to write :-( love you! Jx

    8. I like it! Glad to see they’re back on track and that Spencer’s grown some balls – figuratively, not literally, cos I’m sure that’d cause a stir once her and Ash finally got down to it!! I love your frequent updating again, and how you’re managing to juggle so many fics. I’m struggling to keep up with one at the mo! It’s bugging me that I don’t have the time to write :-( love you! Jx

    9. hahahaha YES!! you did it! you adressed the pressing issue of how the hell people keep getting in! THANK YOU! lol. omg. so great. ugh. you’re honestly author of the year. no joke. you’ve got such insanely great talent, i bow down to you!

    10. hahahaha YES!! you did it! you adressed the pressing issue of how the hell people keep getting in! THANK YOU! lol. omg. so great. ugh. you’re honestly author of the year. no joke. you’ve got such insanely great talent, i bow down to you!

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