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    28 Days – (Chapter: Nu uh, No you just didn’t.)


    Ashley snorted and ducked around him, moving towards the kitchen and found the secret vodka stash that was so very poorly hidden. Pouring herself a stiff drink she let the burning liquid seep down her gullet and warm her insides. Ok, that felt a little too good. She was about to pour herself another when a jock bumped into her. Turning to spit angrily at him, she found herself face to face with Glen Carlin.


    “You” he sneered. “Fucking bitch, stay away from my sister.”


    “Whatever” she flipped off. “Get out of my way shit for brains.”


    He reached out and grabbed her arm. “I know what you did dyke. If she hadn’t made me promise I’d call the police, the school, every fucking authority known. You jump my sister again and I’ll fucking beat you down. Stay the fuck away from her.”




    “What did you just say jerk off?” She pushed him angrily.


    “I said stay the fuck away from my sister. Dyke rapist.”




    She was about to call him out on it when some random basketballer pulled Glen away into a head lock and dragged him out to the back yard. Despite herself, Ashley was grateful for the reprieve. She hadn’t had enough vodka to shake off what Glen had said, but also had no idea what the hell he meant. There were rocks in her stomach that had nothing to do with anything good.


    She stumbled back into the living room, reforming her plan in her head. Next plan, get the fuck out of here, go to a club, find a girl, take her home and fuck her. That plan sounded like it was going to work better.


    Anything to get little miss innocent out of your head eh.


    Ashley was halfway to the door when she remembered that she should probably tell Aiden she was leaving. She turned and took a step forward, and then met the sight that would probably haunt her sleep for weeks. Spencer sliding an arm around Aiden’s waist in greeting. Spencer squeezing him close, and Aiden ducking his head in for a kiss that was anything but chaste. Spencer returning the kiss with a vigour that made all the vodka in Ashley’s stomach climb back up and dance in her mouth. It was car crash syndrome. Horrible, horrible tragedy and yet she was unable to look away. The kiss got a little too heated for her liking, well, none of the scenario was to her liking, but now it was just too much to handle.


    Stumbling out the front door Ashley landed on her knees in the garden and heaved the contents of her stomach into the garden bed.


    ‘Oh my god could you get any more dramatic’ the voice in Ashley’s head spoke dryly. Welcome back voice. ‘You’re pathetic Davies. So she’s kissing Dennison, you knew she’d run away. Is it really worth vomiting over.


    Yes. Yes it was.

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    1. I rarely come out of my lurking status, but this update will change that from now on. I have missed this story to an extreme! you are such a fantastic writer, and i hope to see more of this story. as well as Best For Me. Youre wonderful! =)

    2. Argh, talk about conflicting emotions!! As thrilled as I am to see that you updated this…thank you!…but a few months until the next one?? Ouch! You can’t let poor Ash lay there in the flowerbeds for so long!!

    3. They couldn’t just do it and be happy, could they? Grrr. Oh well. Still loved the update – EXCEPT FOR THE SPAIDEN! Grr Spaiden. Grr GRR! Still glad you updated, though, yay!

    4. ok i’m not gonna lie…I had to do a double take when I saw that you updated this story. I haven’t had much time to leave comments (hence the lack of them in Best For Me) but damnit I’m making time to comment for this story. I was sooooo excited to see that you posted for this story. I was like “FINALLY!”….and the weird thing is that I was actually thinking about this story today too. Ya so anyway, LOVED it! The thought of another month going by without an update makes me cry though. Thinking about Ashley in this story also makes me want to cry. Therefore between the two, I am now flooding tears. You have to post more soon and make it better. Or…or…I don’t know what I’ll do but something really really bad. Maybe I’ll hang myself with the keyboard…hmmm. Ok getting too dramatic now…just PMS!

    5. do my eyes and imagination deceive me, or am I in fact right, for I believe you just updated 28 Days!? see, I’d almost forgotten the existance of this fic, for the simple reason that I didn’t think it possible for dear Clom to not finish a story, or to keep us waiting so long. Almost. But here it is in all of its painful glory – I am not pleased at its content or the turn of events in what was one hell of a school trip, by anyone’s measure, but I love the fact you updated! I hope you fix things, though, and that your ace writing will once again allow Ash to feel the love! ;-) Jx

    6. guess whos back. back again. 28 days’ back. tell your friends. dang…now ive got cheesy white boy rap songs stuck in my head. the things you do to me chlome!!! wow, an update, i must say i had to do a double take when i saw this one! and as ussual, you seemed to have out done yourself with the amazingness of the story. but you couldnt just have them be happy could you? *sigh* and spencer back to aiden of all things? sheesh…what drama is to come, i want to know! but alas, i will undoubtingly wait another month or two to find out, now wont i? i guess that just makes this post a tease doesnt it? yes, yes it does.

    7. please tell me you meant it might be a few more months before the next 28 days post and not the best for me…because this story is awesome. but best for me is like…super awesome. and waiting a few more months til the next post would involve some serious anxiety. very serious anxiety. and if i got hurt from one of those anxiety attacks…i dont know. i’d have to blame you or something. it just wouldn’t be pretty. do you get what i’m saying? haha. please post soon though. i have to say youre the best author on here.

    8. i love this fic, i love your writing…the contents of my stomach are out on that front yard with ashley’s. i’m sooo having flashbacks of highschool right now, my ex and my best guy friend…how did you get in my head clomle? and from so far away…please don’t make us wait too long before you save ashley from her broken heart!

    9. OMG! You updated this story? This couldn’t have come at a better time. I’m recovering from this little bug called a hang over and this just soothed the pain right outta my head. Lovely update. Also…nvrmind. Love u!!!!! ew…i think i have to barf. *runs to potty* this has nothing to do with the update though. it was fantastic. this has to do entirely with me consuming to much alcohol last night! laters love.

    10. MUST.UPDATE.NOOOOOW!!!Sorry I haven’t commented on BFM in a few posts…just got back into town. But, will catch up soon! Glad you updated this…it is such a rad story and I reaaaaally would love you to continue in the near future…like, tomorrow? lol. xxo

    11. I rarely come out of my lurking status, but this update will change that from now on. I have missed this story to an extreme! you are such a fantastic writer, and i hope to see more of this story. as well as Best For Me. Youre wonderful! =)

    12. Argh, talk about conflicting emotions!! As thrilled as I am to see that you updated this…thank you!…but a few months until the next one?? Ouch! You can’t let poor Ash lay there in the flowerbeds for so long!!

    13. They couldn’t just do it and be happy, could they? Grrr. Oh well. Still loved the update – EXCEPT FOR THE SPAIDEN! Grr Spaiden. Grr GRR! Still glad you updated, though, yay!

    14. ok i’m not gonna lie…I had to do a double take when I saw that you updated this story. I haven’t had much time to leave comments (hence the lack of them in Best For Me) but damnit I’m making time to comment for this story. I was sooooo excited to see that you posted for this story. I was like “FINALLY!”….and the weird thing is that I was actually thinking about this story today too. Ya so anyway, LOVED it! The thought of another month going by without an update makes me cry though. Thinking about Ashley in this story also makes me want to cry. Therefore between the two, I am now flooding tears. You have to post more soon and make it better. Or…or…I don’t know what I’ll do but something really really bad. Maybe I’ll hang myself with the keyboard…hmmm. Ok getting too dramatic now…just PMS!

    15. do my eyes and imagination deceive me, or am I in fact right, for I believe you just updated 28 Days!? see, I’d almost forgotten the existance of this fic, for the simple reason that I didn’t think it possible for dear Clom to not finish a story, or to keep us waiting so long. Almost. But here it is in all of its painful glory – I am not pleased at its content or the turn of events in what was one hell of a school trip, by anyone’s measure, but I love the fact you updated! I hope you fix things, though, and that your ace writing will once again allow Ash to feel the love! ;-) Jx

    16. guess whos back. back again. 28 days’ back. tell your friends. dang…now ive got cheesy white boy rap songs stuck in my head. the things you do to me chlome!!! wow, an update, i must say i had to do a double take when i saw this one! and as ussual, you seemed to have out done yourself with the amazingness of the story. but you couldnt just have them be happy could you? *sigh* and spencer back to aiden of all things? sheesh…what drama is to come, i want to know! but alas, i will undoubtingly wait another month or two to find out, now wont i? i guess that just makes this post a tease doesnt it? yes, yes it does.

    17. please tell me you meant it might be a few more months before the next 28 days post and not the best for me…because this story is awesome. but best for me is like…super awesome. and waiting a few more months til the next post would involve some serious anxiety. very serious anxiety. and if i got hurt from one of those anxiety attacks…i dont know. i’d have to blame you or something. it just wouldn’t be pretty. do you get what i’m saying? haha. please post soon though. i have to say youre the best author on here.

    18. i love this fic, i love your writing…the contents of my stomach are out on that front yard with ashley’s. i’m sooo having flashbacks of highschool right now, my ex and my best guy friend…how did you get in my head clomle? and from so far away…please don’t make us wait too long before you save ashley from her broken heart!

    19. OMG! You updated this story? This couldn’t have come at a better time. I’m recovering from this little bug called a hang over and this just soothed the pain right outta my head. Lovely update. Also…nvrmind. Love u!!!!! ew…i think i have to barf. *runs to potty* this has nothing to do with the update though. it was fantastic. this has to do entirely with me consuming to much alcohol last night! laters love.

    20. MUST.UPDATE.NOOOOOW!!!Sorry I haven’t commented on BFM in a few posts…just got back into town. But, will catch up soon! Glad you updated this…it is such a rad story and I reaaaaally would love you to continue in the near future…like, tomorrow? lol. xxo

    21. OMG you are making us wait a month or so after that? CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT, guess that would mean something if you lived in the US..have an amendment towards it i think..want to say the 8th one..oh hell if i know, im not actually paying attention in many better things to do. like commenting my most favourite person in the world…psst. YOU! anyways i loved it (and i know you said you hate 28 days) but i so totally love it. i think its the voice in her head that won me over. lol. post as soon as you see fit, ill be waiting. ta ta :]

    22. OMG you are making us wait a month or so after that? CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT, guess that would mean something if you lived in the US..have an amendment towards it i think..want to say the 8th one..oh hell if i know, im not actually paying attention in many better things to do. like commenting my most favourite person in the world…psst. YOU! anyways i loved it (and i know you said you hate 28 days) but i so totally love it. i think its the voice in her head that won me over. lol. post as soon as you see fit, ill be waiting. ta ta :]

    23. omg what comic24x7 and bannerman said!! i have to double read the story name to make sure it’s really true. and your summary note, just hit it right in the eye. i even went back to read the last chap before i start on this. it’s so frickin fantastic!! i love the hopelessness and the patheticness that ashley is suffering. yeah i’m a sucker for pain and angst. first it was funny that ash dressed to kill and she deluded herself thinking she’s picking up some chick when all she wants is spencer. how much it hurts to hear glen said those horibble words and the axe to the coffin – spence kissing aiden. omfg!! wth is spence thinking??? you can’t torture us. u gotta update soon. i need to know what happens next. will ash just give up? will she try to fight for spence? has spence completely lost her mind? so so many questions left for you, the queen of updates, to clarify.pls pls pls pls pls pls. and i absolutely love you for this awesometastic update!!

    24. omg what comic24x7 and bannerman said!! i have to double read the story name to make sure it’s really true. and your summary note, just hit it right in the eye. i even went back to read the last chap before i start on this. it’s so frickin fantastic!! i love the hopelessness and the patheticness that ashley is suffering. yeah i’m a sucker for pain and angst. first it was funny that ash dressed to kill and she deluded herself thinking she’s picking up some chick when all she wants is spencer. how much it hurts to hear glen said those horibble words and the axe to the coffin – spence kissing aiden. omfg!! wth is spence thinking??? you can’t torture us. u gotta update soon. i need to know what happens next. will ash just give up? will she try to fight for spence? has spence completely lost her mind? so so many questions left for you, the queen of updates, to clarify.pls pls pls pls pls pls. and i absolutely love you for this awesometastic update!!

    25. I waited to read this update last because it has been one of my favorites ever since you started it, and I save the best for last. lame! anyway, to see spencer so scared, scared enough to crawl back to AIDEN, made me sick! a terrible move. definitely vomit worthy. goodness I hope glen misinterpreted whatever spencer told him. or he’s being a skeeve. spence wouldnt turn ash into a rapist, would she? fuck. But whats happening to spencer is a lot worse than her initial coming out in camp, now her

    26. I waited to read this update last because it has been one of my favorites ever since you started it, and I save the best for last. lame! anyway, to see spencer so scared, scared enough to crawl back to AIDEN, made me sick! a terrible move. definitely vomit worthy. goodness I hope glen misinterpreted whatever spencer told him. or he’s being a skeeve. spence wouldnt turn ash into a rapist, would she? fuck. But whats happening to spencer is a lot worse than her initial coming out in camp, now her

    27. oh look! leftover edits i didnt delete! wow thats embarrassing. glad i dont blush! even though i am now and its not endearing, just fun to laugh at. sorry i cant edit!

    28. oh look! leftover edits i didnt delete! wow thats embarrassing. glad i dont blush! even though i am now and its not endearing, just fun to laugh at. sorry i cant edit!

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