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    28 Days – (Chapter: This is not a sitcom, where everything’s alright)

    She swung her feet lazily over the edge of the pool, watching ripples spread out from where her toe dipped. She was lost in the world of her head when she heard the noise behind her. She was just turning when the yells hit her ears and the meaning slowly dawned on her,

    “How could you, you fucking bitch, how could you?”

    It was the last thing Ashley heard before she ended up fully clothed in the swimming pool. Surfacing, spluttering and shaken she shook her head and yelled back,

    “Aiden, what the fuck?” Hauling herself out of the side of the pool she pushed the jock backwards, water dripping off her clothes. “What the fuck are you thinking?”

    Clearly he hadn’t expected her to fall in the pool because he was just standing there mute. She watched him warily and he watched her, and then, to Ashley’s surprise, Aiden dropped to his knees and flung his arms around her waist. It took her a few seconds to realise that he was sobbing.

    “Aiden, Aiden, Aiden…” she said, one hand cradling his head and the other trying to pry him away slightly. His embrace was like a vice and she couldn’t quite breath. “Aiden stop, it’s ok, what is it.”

    “She left me, she told me it was over and she left…” he sobbed.

    ‘Great big wuss isn’t he. Jesus, get him up so you can at least get dry.’ Clearly the voice was not representing her softer, more sympathetic side. She knew exactly who Aiden was talking about. Spencer. But hell, she didn’t expect him to react like this. They’d barely been dating for a few weeks.

    “Aiden, shh, shh, come on.”

    Aiden abruptly stood and wiped his eyes, taking a few steps backward. Ashley shivered in her wet clothing and then winced.

    “I have to get changed Aiden.”

    And with that, she left him standing in the back yard and went inside. She took her time getting changed. She ran a quick, scalding hot shower before she did so. There was so much whirling around her head she wasn’t sure she could make it all stand still.

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    1. These cliffhangers are killing me! Fantastic update! I was not expecting Aiden to react to badly to Spencer breaking up with him. Also did not expect Spencer to show up at Ashley’s door. Please PMS!

    2. Clom, were you asking me? Nope, went to middle school in D.C. About as far from the rainforests as you can get. Arrggh, now the rainforest rap is stuck in my head again, though!

    3. …and? and?? *sigh* patience was never one of my virtues. I really liked this update, but I think I’m going to love the next. I mean, all 3 of them at this point of the story in the same place would make for one hell of a gathering.

    4. These cliffhangers are killing me! Fantastic update! I was not expecting Aiden to react to badly to Spencer breaking up with him. Also did not expect Spencer to show up at Ashley’s door. Please PMS!

    5. Clom, were you asking me? Nope, went to middle school in D.C. About as far from the rainforests as you can get. Arrggh, now the rainforest rap is stuck in my head again, though!

    6. …and? and?? *sigh* patience was never one of my virtues. I really liked this update, but I think I’m going to love the next. I mean, all 3 of them at this point of the story in the same place would make for one hell of a gathering.

    7. Okay, still not feeling totally sorry for Aiden…he’s being too overdramatic. And geez, what the heck kind of spell does Spencer have over everyone?? “Bad blood, takin’ you for a ride” Okay there was my little pop song contribution. And you know, I remember doing a weird rainforest rap thing in middle school…god I haven’t thought of that in years! Yet I still remember all the words, and that’s scary.

    8. Okay, still not feeling totally sorry for Aiden…he’s being too overdramatic. And geez, what the heck kind of spell does Spencer have over everyone?? “Bad blood, takin’ you for a ride” Okay there was my little pop song contribution. And you know, I remember doing a weird rainforest rap thing in middle school…god I haven’t thought of that in years! Yet I still remember all the words, and that’s scary.

    9. yey update! i didn’t expect that Spencer will be showing up there!! dun dun dun dun! Looks like Ashley and Aiden will be hearing more from Spencer..

    10. yey update! i didn’t expect that Spencer will be showing up there!! dun dun dun dun! Looks like Ashley and Aiden will be hearing more from Spencer..

    11. Man, Spencer must have the answer to all life’s mysteries in her pants. Hahaha. Must you be a TEASE? Cutting it off like that. I’m so annoyed but only cause I want more. You rock.

    12. Man, Spencer must have the answer to all life’s mysteries in her pants. Hahaha. Must you be a TEASE? Cutting it off like that. I’m so annoyed but only cause I want more. You rock.

    13. Aiden is such a pussy! LOL, he pushed Ashley in the pool. Was Spencer expecting to see Aiden when she went to Ashley’s place? I doubt it. Pms please.

    14. Aiden is such a pussy! LOL, he pushed Ashley in the pool. Was Spencer expecting to see Aiden when she went to Ashley’s place? I doubt it. Pms please.

    15. you meany. bloody update now, damnit! Oh, and that voice in Ashley’s head reminds me of my own – always laying into me at the wrong moments. I wish it’d sort itself out and tell me to do the right thing in time for once – maybe then a few messes would be avoided ;-) hindsight is a bitch. anyways, I want to read more NOW, so get on with it, you! love ya Jx

    16. you meany. bloody update now, damnit! Oh, and that voice in Ashley’s head reminds me of my own – always laying into me at the wrong moments. I wish it’d sort itself out and tell me to do the right thing in time for once – maybe then a few messes would be avoided ;-) hindsight is a bitch. anyways, I want to read more NOW, so get on with it, you! love ya Jx

    17. ‘i thought it was beautiful.’ oh hush, aiden. it was beautiful when spence and ash did it, and they were up against a tree! god i love this story so much. the next update it going to be amazing, i can feel it. not unlike everything else you write, but spash from you is like… christmas. CASH on christmas. ya dig? thank you for the update!

    18. ‘i thought it was beautiful.’ oh hush, aiden. it was beautiful when spence and ash did it, and they were up against a tree! god i love this story so much. the next update it going to be amazing, i can feel it. not unlike everything else you write, but spash from you is like… christmas. CASH on christmas. ya dig? thank you for the update!

    19. ooo i dig the cliffhangy part ‘it was me’. wow would spencer has the guts to tell aiden what really happen?? does she has to guts to own up her feelings? arghh update quick you you… wonderful writer you!! but i like the slow build up in the story. ;)

    20. ooo i dig the cliffhangy part ‘it was me’. wow would spencer has the guts to tell aiden what really happen?? does she has to guts to own up her feelings? arghh update quick you you… wonderful writer you!! but i like the slow build up in the story. ;)

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