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    28 Days – (Chapter: This is not a sitcom, where everything’s alright)

    First there was the secret exultation that Spencer hadn’t chosen Aiden. Clearly she’d broken it off with him. Then there was the understanding that it didn’t necessarily mean Spencer was hers. Then there was the pained, misunderstood boy at the bottom of her garden stairs who was pouring his heart out in a rather unexpected manner. Jesus, the boy had been dumped before. He’d gotten over Ashley, and he’d seemed just fine when Madison had left him for Glen. Why was Spencer suddenly affecting him so badly.

    Hey! Hang on a second, he really had gotten over Ashley. And much more easily than this. Pure, green eyed jealousy flared through the brunette. Fuck that for a joke, he was not going to pine over Spencer more than he had over her. He could just get the hell over it.

    ‘Wow, nice to see Ashley Davies is still alive and well. If all else fails, just bring it on back to you. Hey, wasn’t that some sucky pop song a few years ago…’ Hey look, her inner voice had ADD.

    Throwing on some dry clothes she stormed back outside, determined to get this set straight. Aiden was sitting on a banana lounge, looking at least calmer and thankfully not crying. Ashley found the lounge opposite and sat too. For minutes they sat in silence as the crickets started chirping in the evening light.

    “What happened?” Ashley asked bluntly, sick of the silence.

    “Did you tell her to dump me?”

    “What??” Ashley started back in surprise. Those hadn’t been her exact words, she’d hoped it would be the outcome, but had Spencer told him? No, she wouldn’t have done that. “Spencer said I told you to…”

    “No” Aiden cut her off. “She didn’t say that, I guessed.”

    “Aiden, why would I tell her to dump you?” Ashley skirted around the subject.

    “Because you want her for yourself!” he accused.

    She couldn’t lie. She couldn’t deny it. There had been too many lies between the three of them, too much pain to hold on to. Ashley was sick of it, but yet, she couldn’t bring herself to say the honest truth to him. Instead she took the skirting of the subject route again, or just being plain cryptic.

    “What I want has nothing to do with you and Spencer Aiden. And I never tell Spencer to do anything. I never even suggested she should do something.”

    ‘No, you just told her plain out to do the right thing. Well, that wasn’t something really, you were being cryptic then to. All open to interpretation. Hey, maybe you should be a lawyer.

    Aiden ran a hand through his short, brown hair.

    “We slept together.” Ashley said nothing. The mention of it shot daggers through her once again, but she kept her mouth firmly shut. “I thought it was beautiful. Apparently it wasn’t because she came over this afternoon and told me it was over. Maybe it’s because I’m crap in bed.’

    ‘Maybe’ Actually the voice was wrong about that one, but there was enough jealousy and anger in Ashley for the thought to materialise. Then she shook it off.

    “Aiden, Spencer isn’t that sort of girl.” At least that was the truth.

    “I thought she liked me Ash, I thought she really liked me. I’ve had such fucking bad luck with girls. First you go gay and then Madison…” at the name, they both shuddered. “I just thought Spencer would be… the one.”

    “Aiden you’re 16, you have a long time yet to find ‘the one’” she said. But her heart was pointing out the obvious hypocrisy in her.

    “I know, that’s not what I mean… I mean that I thought she… we…” Aiden sighed. “I wish I knew why everything changed so fast. Was it me? Was it you?” He asked, still not giving up.

    “No” came a soft voice from the back door. “It was me.” Said Spencer.

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    1. These cliffhangers are killing me! Fantastic update! I was not expecting Aiden to react to badly to Spencer breaking up with him. Also did not expect Spencer to show up at Ashley’s door. Please PMS!

    2. Clom, were you asking me? Nope, went to middle school in D.C. About as far from the rainforests as you can get. Arrggh, now the rainforest rap is stuck in my head again, though!

    3. …and? and?? *sigh* patience was never one of my virtues. I really liked this update, but I think I’m going to love the next. I mean, all 3 of them at this point of the story in the same place would make for one hell of a gathering.

    4. These cliffhangers are killing me! Fantastic update! I was not expecting Aiden to react to badly to Spencer breaking up with him. Also did not expect Spencer to show up at Ashley’s door. Please PMS!

    5. Clom, were you asking me? Nope, went to middle school in D.C. About as far from the rainforests as you can get. Arrggh, now the rainforest rap is stuck in my head again, though!

    6. …and? and?? *sigh* patience was never one of my virtues. I really liked this update, but I think I’m going to love the next. I mean, all 3 of them at this point of the story in the same place would make for one hell of a gathering.

    7. Okay, still not feeling totally sorry for Aiden…he’s being too overdramatic. And geez, what the heck kind of spell does Spencer have over everyone?? “Bad blood, takin’ you for a ride” Okay there was my little pop song contribution. And you know, I remember doing a weird rainforest rap thing in middle school…god I haven’t thought of that in years! Yet I still remember all the words, and that’s scary.

    8. Okay, still not feeling totally sorry for Aiden…he’s being too overdramatic. And geez, what the heck kind of spell does Spencer have over everyone?? “Bad blood, takin’ you for a ride” Okay there was my little pop song contribution. And you know, I remember doing a weird rainforest rap thing in middle school…god I haven’t thought of that in years! Yet I still remember all the words, and that’s scary.

    9. yey update! i didn’t expect that Spencer will be showing up there!! dun dun dun dun! Looks like Ashley and Aiden will be hearing more from Spencer..

    10. yey update! i didn’t expect that Spencer will be showing up there!! dun dun dun dun! Looks like Ashley and Aiden will be hearing more from Spencer..

    11. Man, Spencer must have the answer to all life’s mysteries in her pants. Hahaha. Must you be a TEASE? Cutting it off like that. I’m so annoyed but only cause I want more. You rock.

    12. Man, Spencer must have the answer to all life’s mysteries in her pants. Hahaha. Must you be a TEASE? Cutting it off like that. I’m so annoyed but only cause I want more. You rock.

    13. Aiden is such a pussy! LOL, he pushed Ashley in the pool. Was Spencer expecting to see Aiden when she went to Ashley’s place? I doubt it. Pms please.

    14. Aiden is such a pussy! LOL, he pushed Ashley in the pool. Was Spencer expecting to see Aiden when she went to Ashley’s place? I doubt it. Pms please.

    15. you meany. bloody update now, damnit! Oh, and that voice in Ashley’s head reminds me of my own – always laying into me at the wrong moments. I wish it’d sort itself out and tell me to do the right thing in time for once – maybe then a few messes would be avoided ;-) hindsight is a bitch. anyways, I want to read more NOW, so get on with it, you! love ya Jx

    16. you meany. bloody update now, damnit! Oh, and that voice in Ashley’s head reminds me of my own – always laying into me at the wrong moments. I wish it’d sort itself out and tell me to do the right thing in time for once – maybe then a few messes would be avoided ;-) hindsight is a bitch. anyways, I want to read more NOW, so get on with it, you! love ya Jx

    17. ‘i thought it was beautiful.’ oh hush, aiden. it was beautiful when spence and ash did it, and they were up against a tree! god i love this story so much. the next update it going to be amazing, i can feel it. not unlike everything else you write, but spash from you is like… christmas. CASH on christmas. ya dig? thank you for the update!

    18. ‘i thought it was beautiful.’ oh hush, aiden. it was beautiful when spence and ash did it, and they were up against a tree! god i love this story so much. the next update it going to be amazing, i can feel it. not unlike everything else you write, but spash from you is like… christmas. CASH on christmas. ya dig? thank you for the update!

    19. ooo i dig the cliffhangy part ‘it was me’. wow would spencer has the guts to tell aiden what really happen?? does she has to guts to own up her feelings? arghh update quick you you… wonderful writer you!! but i like the slow build up in the story. ;)

    20. ooo i dig the cliffhangy part ‘it was me’. wow would spencer has the guts to tell aiden what really happen?? does she has to guts to own up her feelings? arghh update quick you you… wonderful writer you!! but i like the slow build up in the story. ;)

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