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    28 Days – (Chapter: You got no right to sit there saying I abuse it)

    “Yeah, until you get into her pants!”

    “Oh for Christ sake, that’s not what this is about!” Ashley hissed out between clenched teeth. “Can you get a grip for a second, when did you become such a pussy?”

    Aiden looked suitably insulted. “Fine. Fine. I’m out of here.” He threw one last glance at Spencer. “Just be careful, because she’s going to fuck you over too.” It was his parting shot before he stalked off into the darkness.

    ‘Woo hoo! You’re alone!’ Ok, these thoughts she wasn’t supposed to have… they were irritating her.

    She turned back, knowing that even she was secretly glad to be alone with Spencer, she was shaking in her boots about what the girl might say to her. In fact she could practically guess now. ‘Yes I broke up with Aiden, no I don’t want to be with you, I’m leaving town to be a nun’. It was a possibility.

    Spencer was still leaning against one of the posts that were scattered around. She was scuffing the brick pavement with her tennis shoe and looked so adorable that Ashley nearly melted on the spot.

    “You ok?” the brunette asked, softly and sweetly.

    Spencer’s head shot up. Then she shook it slightly and went back to looking at her toes. “Not really.”

    “Spencer…” She didn’t know what to say, how to make it better. She walked over until she was also leaning against the post, mere inches away. She tipped up the blondes chin and smiled slowly. “It’s going to be ok. You did the right thing.”

    “I hurt EVERYONE Ashley, Everyone.” Spencer wailed. “How is it going to be ok.”

    Ashley smiled again and shoved her hands in her pockets, mirroring Spencer’s pose. “People heal. They do. And things will be ok. Just give it time.”

    “I hate being the bad one” Spencer grumbled, sounding like a petulant five year old.

    “you’re not the bad one Spence!” Ashley laughed. “Stop that. Things will work themselves out. They always do.”

    ‘Wow, you sound wise. Where did you learn to act so well?’

    Spencer rubbed her head ruefully and sighed. “I did the right thing with Aiden, I know that. I don’t like him like that. I never did. But… I couldn’t tell him that.” She looked miserable again.

    “I guess there’s no need to crush him after you dump him” Ash said, with a half twist of a smile. “If you did the right thing, then that’s pretty much all there is to it.”



    It was like slow motion, Spencer’s hands coming up to cup Ashley’s face. Then her lips finding Ashley’s in a symphony of need and warmth.

    It was too much to resist, what she’d wanted for so long. Stumbling into Spencer’s arms she returned the kiss, hot, wet and wanting. They slid together, their bodies finding each other and their breathing deepening until they were both panting. They pulled back for air, briefly, before crushing together again. Ashley wound her spare hand through Spencer’s hair and kissed like she’d never kissed before. Her veins were on fire, her mind was aflame, everything was so hot she was going to combust. Here was Spencer, finally, free of Aiden and hers. Free of…

    And this wasn’t right. She knew that.

    Breaking off the kiss roughly she took a step backwards, making Spencer reach out for a hand hold to stay steady.

    “I can’t…” Ashley whispered. “I’m sorry, I want… I can’t.” She visibly deflated. God how she wanted to.

    “I get it” Spencer said, with a tinge of bitterness.

    “No.” Ashley reached out. “You don’t get it… I want you Spencer, more than you can imagine.” She pulled the blonde into her arms, unwilling to have another episode of someone walking off and it being days before everything gets worked out. “I do, I do, but we can’t. Not yet, not now.”

    She held the girl against her shoulder, trying not to inhale too much of her scent, lest she give in to temptation.

    “You’re right” Spencer said with a tremble in her voice. “you’re always right.”

    ‘Oh my god she’s officially insane’

    “You’re officially insane!” Apparently she did sometimes voice those thoughts.

    “Ashley” Spencer whispered against the brunette’s collar bone.



    “Anytime babe, anytime.”

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    1. well at least she finally made up her freakin mind! and what the hell? aiden being all emo? psht..well..ok that doesnt surprise me THAT much haha. ugh. how much longer must we wait til we have our ladies together again? hopefully not long. but another great update!!

    2. “I’m leaving town to be a nun’.” ridiculously funny, but ANTI. the other fic, they are on a church planet, havent you had enough. hehe. i kid. her being a nun would only make the sin more pleasureable. *smirks* and shes not insane…just human and confused. we all have our days. loved it, and i demand more or i’ll prolong my updates as long as possible, hehe i kid. but it was an idea :]

    3. “I seem to do this purely for peglegmeg and goober, Slayer and Grits.” most important is definetly the last one mentioned. *nods* ok i kid, but i had to try. and the DRESDEN DOLLS *swoons* i love them. mmmm

    4. You updated!!!! Loved it esp.’Your conscience? Hell no, I’m just all those things you think that you’d never say out loud. Well, that most people would never say out loud… you, with you we never know.’Man and I thought I was the only one who had a voice like that in her head!

    5. finally! i didnt think i could take another moment of them not being physical. wow. shows what i am really like, huh? the storyline is absolutely necessary tho, making this my favorite by far… of course spence is no nun! once you have ash you cannot go back.

    6. oh man having my name mentioned on the same line as peglegmeg and goober, and Grits, gives me the chills!!! esp by my fave and sexy author! :D aww i so lug this story. it’s the one that makes me such a adoring fan really. ok on to this sweet chap: the voice in ashley’s head is so funny! “Wasn’t it her conscience or something? ‘Your conscience? Hell no, I’m just all those things you think that you’d never say out loud.” i wish i can say out loud whatever i feel too. love love love this fic AT!!!

    7. Yay for Spencer growing some balls…to some degree. and awesome that Ash is controlling all this. So easy to just fall back into it, but it’s almost like getting to have sex with someone hot, but knowing deep down that they aren’t really into you…as a girl, I think that makes it not worthwhile. Meaning, I’m glad Ashley is waiting for Spence to get her act together so eventually, hopefully, they can resume their previous status and get this “girlfriend” thing going, lol. UPDATE???? Cause I know you don’t have like fifty of these damn things going right now. ;)

    8. well at least she finally made up her freakin mind! and what the hell? aiden being all emo? psht..well..ok that doesnt surprise me THAT much haha. ugh. how much longer must we wait til we have our ladies together again? hopefully not long. but another great update!!

    9. “I’m leaving town to be a nun’.” ridiculously funny, but ANTI. the other fic, they are on a church planet, havent you had enough. hehe. i kid. her being a nun would only make the sin more pleasureable. *smirks* and shes not insane…just human and confused. we all have our days. loved it, and i demand more or i’ll prolong my updates as long as possible, hehe i kid. but it was an idea :]

    10. “I seem to do this purely for peglegmeg and goober, Slayer and Grits.” most important is definetly the last one mentioned. *nods* ok i kid, but i had to try. and the DRESDEN DOLLS *swoons* i love them. mmmm

    11. You updated!!!! Loved it esp.’Your conscience? Hell no, I’m just all those things you think that you’d never say out loud. Well, that most people would never say out loud… you, with you we never know.’Man and I thought I was the only one who had a voice like that in her head!

    12. finally! i didnt think i could take another moment of them not being physical. wow. shows what i am really like, huh? the storyline is absolutely necessary tho, making this my favorite by far… of course spence is no nun! once you have ash you cannot go back.

    13. oh man having my name mentioned on the same line as peglegmeg and goober, and Grits, gives me the chills!!! esp by my fave and sexy author! :D aww i so lug this story. it’s the one that makes me such a adoring fan really. ok on to this sweet chap: the voice in ashley’s head is so funny! “Wasn’t it her conscience or something? ‘Your conscience? Hell no, I’m just all those things you think that you’d never say out loud.” i wish i can say out loud whatever i feel too. love love love this fic AT!!!

    14. Yay for Spencer growing some balls…to some degree. and awesome that Ash is controlling all this. So easy to just fall back into it, but it’s almost like getting to have sex with someone hot, but knowing deep down that they aren’t really into you…as a girl, I think that makes it not worthwhile. Meaning, I’m glad Ashley is waiting for Spence to get her act together so eventually, hopefully, they can resume their previous status and get this “girlfriend” thing going, lol. UPDATE???? Cause I know you don’t have like fifty of these damn things going right now. ;)

    15. I love that you’ve come back to this. I love Ashley’s thoughts. They really do have a mind of their own. And you really do bring the funny with this one. I love that line, “Thank God for stupid boys”!! Haa!! Amen to that!

    16. I love that you’ve come back to this. I love Ashley’s thoughts. They really do have a mind of their own. And you really do bring the funny with this one. I love that line, “Thank God for stupid boys”!! Haa!! Amen to that!

    17. Damn Spencer! Take it easy and give the girl some time. Loved the update. And no, Aiden is not a pussy! Because I love pussy! And I refuse to love him! PMS Please:)

    18. Damn Spencer! Take it easy and give the girl some time. Loved the update. And no, Aiden is not a pussy! Because I love pussy! And I refuse to love him! PMS Please:)

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