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    4 days 8 hours 12 minutes – (Chapter: Finale)

    I can’t believe that another one liner had changed my plan again. I was taught to be a grown up early on and my only chance to be a kid was when I indulge myself with tons of sweets. Eating sweets was my way of pretending that I had a childhood and that I was a kid once. Because of my potential, I learned early on that being selfish wasn’t an option and that I have to put others first. I have to put my own needs behind others because that is the price that I pay for being special.

    I never ask to be a genius.

    I never ask to be abnormal.

    I never ask to be different.

    All I ever want was to be average.

    All I ever want was to be normal.

    All I ever want was to blend in.

    Because only then will I be able to experience what everyone else get to. The path to maturity came earlier than I want it to be. I know I should be grateful that I was taken in and that I was cared for. I know if I wasn’t taken in I probably wouldn’t had survived, at least not on my own and god knows what I could have done or who I could have end up working for.

    I finally decided to accept my responsibility and took my rightful place as Spencer Carlin.

    Spencer, the world famous detective…

    Spencer, the savior to all impossible cases…

    Spencer, the answer to all problems…


    But what about Spencer, the lost soul…

    Spencer, the one who sleeps alone…

    Spencer, the one who craves for comfort, love and warmth…

    No one noticed…

    No one bothered to see beneath the mask…

    No one had noticed that Spencer was silently falling apart…

    No one had noticed that Spencer was bleeding inside…

    No one except Ashley…

    Ashley saw beneath the mask…

    Ashley saw the lost girl who was never found…

    Because of that Spencer decided that she would continue to be unselfish for Ashley. Ashley helped Spencer realized that true love is warm and that broken wings can’t be used as a protection anymore.

    Wings were used to fly…

    Wings were not meant to carry things…

    Love wasn’t meant to be selfish. What was broken will remained broken and buying a new one won’t give you the feeling that you had before. Spencer decided that she would sacrifice herself so Ashley can continue to be Ashley Davies.

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