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    A Lovely Trip to Antartica – (Chapter: 2 Change of Plans)

    A Lovely Trip to Antartica

    Chapter 2 (Change of Plans)

    After a few minutes her mood changed and Spencer got up off the bed and walked over to Ashley "Are you crazy, do you know how cold it is down there!"

    Ahsley took in a breath and held it, "No, not really, it can’t be that bad! You were the one who said that you wanted to go to Antartica!"

    "I was kidding!" Spencer sighed and walk into the bathroom closing the door roughly.

    Why is she so mad about this anyway? ok, I can tell she doesn’t want to go to Antartica! Ashley thought about if Spencer had ever mentioned if she had anywhere that she wanted to go.


    We were sitting at lunch one day with Aiden and Chelsea. Chelsea ha just brought up how much she wanted to go to Paris to see the Eiffle Tower. Aiden breagged on and on about how he had already been to Paris and Spencer was just sitting there trying to consentrate on her book that she was reading but I knew that all she was really doing was listedning to her i-pod on her new chordless headphones that I got her. Their actually really lame, unless your at school. I was reading a Rolling- Stones magizine. Aiden turned to Spencer and asked "So where do you want to go?" she quickly looked up "What?" she said dumbfoundedly.

    "Where’s somplace that you would like to visit?" Aiden asked.


    "Um…. I would have to say Japan, because….. I love the culture and I love sushi!

    "Thats it! Japan!" Ashley screamed out right when Spencer was walking out of the bathroom.

    "What about Japan?" Spencer asked while waling back to the bed and just flopping right on to the stomach.

    "Nothing, but you should go home and start packing the plane leaves at 10 AM tommorow morning" Ashley said all on one tone.

    "What, tommorow morning!" Spencer screamed.

    "Come on, I’ll take you home!" Ashley said while picking up her keys.

    "One question, how am I suppost to lug a a giant bag of stuff out of the house without anyone noticing!" Spencer asked giving Ashley a questioning look.

    "I know you could just throw it out of your window! Ashley said.

    At first Spencer gave Ashley a ‘are you crazy’ look but then thought about it for a minute " Ok, lets go." there was a pause

    "Um…..can you go wait in the car for a minute I have to do somthing really quick!" "Sure" Spencer replied.

    Spencer grabbed her purse off the floor and walked out of the room. You could hear her walking down the stars slowly taking one step at a time. Ashley quickly went to her desk and turned on her laptop she quickly found tickets to and bought them she printed out the receipts and put them in her pures and headed out the door "I hope she likes Tokyo"


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