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    A Lovely Trip to Antartica – (Chapter: 3 Another 18 hundred!)

    Ashley quickly ran down the stairs and out the door. Spencer was in the garden looking and smelling the flowers. SHe immediatly looked up when she heard the door shut."What took you so long?" she asked.

    "I…..just needed to go to the bathroom." she nodded and started heading for the car. It was close to 5 now, it wasn’t too hot outside. I reached out to open the door to my Porsche, whick I loved ever so much, and got in. Spencer was just sitting there with her head on the headrest.

    "I love you, Spencer!" I said some what happily.

    "I can tell, you just spent 3 grand on a plane ticket to Antartica!" she replied, I could tell she was trying to act happy about it.

    "I can tell, you don’t want to go to Antartica, so I….. got you a present!" Spencer immediatly looked over to Ashley.

    "What….." Spencer said curiously. Ashley started getting the papers out of her purse, "Well…..I know that you have wanted to go to Japan…… so I got us tickets to go to Tokyo, instead of Antartica." Spencer started to slightly smile, then she put her hands to her face and took a deep breathe, when she put her hands down she said "Now how much did you spend on these?"

    "18 hundred…….each" Ashley said hoping Spencer might nor yeall at her again.

    "You are just too spoiled, but I love you!" Spencer finished and gave Ashley a loving kiss.


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