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    A Lovely Trip to Antartica – (Chapter: 4 Is Glen on meds again?)

    A lovely trip to Antartica

    chapter 4 (Is Glen on meds again?)

    We reached Spencers house and luckily her parents weren’t home. I pulled into the driveway and we both got out. She walked into the house and started heading up the stairm I was following hastedly right behind. Spencer opends her closet and pulled out a black sports bag, layed it on her bed and went back to her closet to pick out some clothes.

    "How long are we going for?" Spencer asked.

    "Oh…. four days" Ashley replied there was a pause.

    "And where are you going for four days?!" said Glen who was starting to walk into the room.

    "Glen!" Spencer yealled out slightly surprised.

    "Hey baby sis! So mind telling me where you going?"

    "Well, me and Spencer….."Ashley started "were going to go to the movies tonight." Ashley said think of something good to say.

    "Right……..Look, I know I haven’t been supporting you guys being together and stuff So I want to say I’m sorry!" Glenn finished and both girls just looked at each other with confused faces. "Now, wherever ot what ever you do is fine with me just as long as your both safe!"

    "……..Glen are you hi or something?" Ashley asked.

    Glen turned to look at Ashley "Of course not, I just want you two to be safe!" Glen said with a very drifty voice.

    Now very convinced that Glen was probuly out of his mind somehow Spencer replied "Ok, but all you get to know is that I’ll be gone for four days, Now get out!"

    "Fine, have a nice four day trip! Love ya little sis!" he started motioning for a hug.

    "Glen get out!" Spencer yelled pointing at the door.

    "Bye Spencer, bye Ashley, Have a good day!" Glen said in a British accent.

    "Spencer, is Glen on meds again?" Ashley asked.

    "I’m not sure." Spencer replied.

    "Spencer I forgot to tell you, but there wasn’t any planes flying from to Tokyo from L.A. so we have to go to San Diego."Ashley said while pisking up a magizine from Spencers desk.

    "San Diegos like 5 hours from here?" Spencer said while folding some clothes and putting them in the sports bag.

    "Thats why we have to start driving there tonight!"

    "Ok……, I think I’m done………clothes, toothbrush, toothpaste, towel, cell phone, charger, yada yada yada……….and my passport, ok….let go!" Ashley got up and went over to help Spencer with her bag.





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