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    A Lovely Trip to Antartica – (Chapter: 6 Mc what?)

    A lovely trip to Antartica

    Chapter 6 (Mc what?)

    They walked to the front desk, there was this mid-aged woman who was half asleep. Ashley rung the bell, the woman jumped and practically fell out of her chair.

    "Hello! How may I help you?" asked the woman.

    "Hi, we need to get a room for tonight!" Ashley told her. "How much would that cost?"

    "Oh, we’ve got a special going on, one room for $50 a night!" the woman said excitedly, glad for the business, Spencer nodded and said, "That sounds great. Ash, you got the money, right?"

    "Yeah. oh….. hold on……Wait….uh oh." Ashley gulped, digging through her purse frantically.

    "What do you mean, ‘uh-oh’?" Spencer asked uneasily. "You have your wallet, right?"



    "It’s gone!" Ashley yelled. "I don’t know, I had it when we left!" Spencer smiled at the woman behind them. "Excuse us, ma’me," she said, before dragging Ashley outside into the parking lot. Through clenched teeth she asked, "Ashley, where is your wallet?"

    "I don’t know!" wailed Ashley. "I must have dropped it! So it must be on the ground." Ashley nodded, they searched frantically under the car, everywhere around. Spencer noticed something sticking out of Ashley’s back pocket. "Ashley, whats that in your back pocket?"


    "There’s something sticking out of your pocket," she repeated, pointing to the object. She reached to her back pocket.

    "Ooooo…… I guess I found my wallet!" Ashley said.


    "….yeah…" Ashley replied now slightly embarrassed.

    They both walked back and net the woman at the front desk, again. the woman smiled "Did you find it?"

    "Yeah, Ashley replied.

    "Thats nice…. So did you want one room or two?" she asked.

    "One’s fine."

    "Ok, thats going to be $53. 50"

    "Ashley pulled out her American Express Card and handed it to the woman . She scanned it and gave Ashley the room card.

    "You’ll be in room 17" the woman said. Spencer gave the woman a smile and walked out the door with Ashley.

    They got their stuff, out of the car and went to their room. Ashley swiped the room card, opening the door. They both put their stuff down and Spencer went and jumped on the queen sized bed.

    "Move over, your not the one who was drivin the whole 2 hours!"

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