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    A Lovely Trip to Antartica – (Chapter: 8 The island)

    A lovely Trip to Antartica

    Chapter 8

    Ashley woke up, slowly opening her eyes, seeing stars as bright as the street lights of L.A. but much more appealing. Ashley felt sand in her hands and everything that happend started rushing back to her head. "OMG, Spencer!" Ashley screamed. She jumped up and looked around, it was pitch black, but she could see a black figure a few yards away. Ashley quickly ran toward the figure.



    "Spencer……" Ashley said while slightly shaking her. Spencer rolled over and mumbled something that she couldn’t quite understand. "Spencer…. " Ashley said again, Spencer opened her eyes starting at the brunnette. "Spencer…..Are you ok?"



    Spencer sat up strait looking at the water that was washing up right in front of her, she looked around and saw the figures of trees and rocks around. "Are we on an island?" Spencer asked nurvously.



    "I….I think so." Ashley replied.



    "I can’t beleive that we actually survived that plane crash!" Spencer said.



    "And what are the chances that we might happen to float to an island near by?" Ashley replied. "Do you think anyone else from the crash survived?"



    "I’m not sure………, Do you want to check out this island?" Spencer asked.



    "Are you crazy who knows what might be living in those woods? We should at least wait till morning!" Ashley replied.



    "Right, Well this turned out to be a great trip didn’t it?" Spencer asked jokingly.



    Ashley just smiled and layed back down on the sand, gasing at the stars and what might soon come.


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