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    A Lovely Trip to Antartica – (Chapter: 9 OH S***!!!!)

    A lovely trip to Antartica

    Chapter 9

    There was a loud thumping noise, and it got louder and louder, your kind of thumping you could fell just vibrating through your heart. Spencer and Ashley immediatly woke up.





    "RRRROOOOOOAAAAAARRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!" Both girls quickly turned around, they could see birds quickly flying away from what ever that was scaring them off.





    "What was that!" Ashley yelled.





    "I have no frekin idea!!" Spencer replied back in a scared tone.





    "What ever it was I really don’t want to find out!" Ashley said "Well, lets just kinda ignore that loud roar, and stay away from what ever made that noise, so lets go look for food.





    Spencer just looked at Ashley with a ‘yeah….ok’ kinda look.





    Both girl started walking around the shores, just to be safe. They walked and walked and walked, but all there was the sand, the ocean, and the forest beside them. After walking quite a long distance on the humungous (I don’t think I spelt that right) island. Spencer said, "There is obviously nothing on the shores of this island, I think we should go into the forest."





    Ashley knew that sooner or later they might have to enter the mysterious forest. "I know" then she gulped, "Ok, lets go" She said seeming very confident and brave.





    Spencer took her hand and held onto it and they started into the deep mysterious forest. The trees where very large and blocked most of the sunlight from coming through. There were all sorts of plants, vines, bushed, and flowers, but not the ones you might see in Mrs.Olivers garden. They just explored this uncongregated forest not knowing what they were trying to find.





    While walking there came a noise from behind them "KKKKKSSSSSSSSSSS" They both turned around quickly, but saw nothing, looking around more carefully, still not noticing and thing that might attack them, they headed on.





    They reached a very large tree fallen tree that blocked their way, it was so long that you couldn’t even see the end,deciding that it was too long to walk around they decided to climb over it instead. Ashley looked around and saw a large boulder that they could use to help climb over the tree. Ashley got on the boulder and help Spencer climb up. Spencer jumped off the tree and Ashley did the same.

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    1. WTF Dinosaurs? Well if you werent watching Jurasic Park where you watch King Kong? ( just asking) great update it diffenently took a different turn cant wait for more PMS

    2. WTF Dinosaurs? Well if you werent watching Jurasic Park where you watch King Kong? ( just asking) great update it diffenently took a different turn cant wait for more PMS

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