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    a short lived BET – (Chapter: intro)

    Aiden pulls up to ashley driveway as ash is saying goodbye to her latest one night stand…annoyed with how long the brunette is taking to say good bye he gets impatient and begins to beep the horn for her to hurry up

    Aiden- “come on Ash    ” screaming out the window of his Mercedes SUV…finishing her goodbye make-out session ashley starts walking to Aidens car giving him the perfect opportunity to check out her late night playemate…

    Aiden-“GOD DAMN    ” ashley grins getting into his car..

    Ashley- “ new car Aid. Whats the occasion”

    Aiden- “back to school toy” he turns to look at Ashley “whose the hot ass blonde”

    Ashley turns to him grinning

    Ashley-“back to school toy”

    Aiden shakes his head at her laughing ..and begins driving away from the Davies mansion

    Ashley- “so what’s the rush”

    Aiden- “apparently Madison and kelly have a new game for us”

    Ashley-“kelly?, thats weird”

    Aiden- “that’s what I thought..”

    Ashley- “well im definitely excited what it is..”

        They pull into school ..meeting Madison and Kelly at their table in the quad..
    Kelly jerks her head up noticing the two
    Kelly- “they’re here” Madison looks up letting a out an over dramatic sigh

    Madison-“finally   ”
    Ashley- “whats up ladies , so why the early arrival”

    Madison throws a portfolio on the table ..ashley grabs it and begins reading through it..

    Ashley- “ ok so why am I reading articles written by “ she take a closer look “Spencer Carlin”

    Madison-“because she’s the daughter of out new principal”

    Ashley-“ and………..oh she is so not getting in our group..I don’t care is she the daughter of the friggin pope . Which she might as well be she’s a flippin virgin mary”
    Madison and Aiden look at eachother

    Ashley- “guys look at her articles..’why you should wait till marriage’ ‘love at first sight’ ‘love comes in different shapes and sizes’ she’s so not….” but is quickly cut off by madison

    Madison-“ be Quiet Ashley , we’re not welcoming her into our group, we want to to welcome her Ashley and Aiden style” she says with a mischievous grin

    Aiden-“ I think you mean Aiden style. This Spencer chick is definitely straight, you might just want to sit this one out Ash”

    Ashley-“ first off..shut up Aiden, secondly she’s not straight”

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    1. I like the Dangerous Liaisons slant on this! Cruel Intentions was a wicked movie, so it’s cool you’re adapting it to this. even though the idea has been done before, I like it! keep going!

    2. I like the Dangerous Liaisons slant on this! Cruel Intentions was a wicked movie, so it’s cool you’re adapting it to this. even though the idea has been done before, I like it! keep going!

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