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    A Year Goes By – (Chapter: There For You)

    Spencer is woken up by soft kisses being planted on her head… her temple… her cheek…. her lips…

    Smiling she realized she wasnt dreaming and Ashley was infact home.

    Spencer began to kiss back more earnistly missing the feeling of those soft lips against her own…

    "mmmm" Spencer hummed into the kiss… "I really… really missed you!"

    Ashley smiled at her "I can tell… exactly how many times have you watched thses VMA re-runs?"

    "Hey I just so happen to be near the t.v. when they aired ok?" Spencer laughed

    "I bet" Ashley teased. Their eyes metand Ashley lost her self for a minute… running her hand through Spencers hair they sat in silence enjoying eachothers company…

    "I missed you too" Ashley whispered after a few moments have passed

    "How long are you home for?" Spencer asked afraid of what the answer might be…

    Ashley sat up in bed streachin… she stared at her hands and sighed… loking uncertant… lost in her thoughts…

    "Hey…?" Spencer sat up kissing Ashleys shoulder drawing the brunette from her thoughts… "Its ok Ash… I know its tough but… we can get through this!" Spencer spoke softly…holding Ashleys hand trying to sound strong… trying to be strong…

    Ashlry looked at their Spencer holding her hand shaking her head…

    "You can… but I cant…"
    There was a sharp pain in her chest… Spencer felt dizzy… she didnt want to believe her ears… she completely tuned out…


    Sometimes I’m selfish fake
    You’re always a true friend
    And I don’t deserve you
    ‘Cause I’m not there for you
    Please forgive me again

    I wanna be there for you
    Someone you can come to
    Runs deeper than my bones
    I wanna be there for you
    I wanna be there for you


    "Spencer I cant do this!" Ashley nearly screamed in a high pitched panic

    "Yes you can Ash its not that hard" Spencer shouted back

    "Thats easy for you to say your all teh way down there!" Ashley said sounding worried… "And this damn harness is annoying the shit out of me!!!"

    Spencer tried not to laugh at the obviouse state her girlfriend was in. She knew Ashley was afraid of hights and being that she loved rock climbing herself she wanted to help ease her girls fears…

    ‘I dont know how the hell she talked me into this’ Ashley thought aggrivated "Just dont… look… down!" she told herself over and over again

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