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    Ace High – (Chapter: ch 11)

    A/N: Okay so the last chapter of this story is right after this one. It’s been fun but now the story must come to an end. Just gives me more time for Glee fan fiction and finishing up my other stories. Thank you to all who read and commented, it’s what kept me going.

    Spencer was slightly afraid to approach her home, her parents must know by now that she skipped school, a phone call placed by lunch perhaps. Ashley kept telling her they did not sound mad when she talked to them saying that their daughter was at her house studying. But her stomach still clenched. Glancing at the brunette she could see she was nervous as well but for a whole other reason.

    The blonde could not help the building pressure in her lower stomach. Ashley looked so fuckable shifting in the drivers seat, chewing her bottom lip with furrowed brows, her low cut jeans and short shirt but a bit longer than usual, don’t want to scary the parents to bad, showing off her stomach. A stomach that turned Spencer on more than she would ever care to admit to any one including the brunette she was focused on.

    Leaning over she placed a small kiss right below her ear lobe, her hand laying flat against a thigh moving in circles. Ashley’s face morphed from nervous to amusement as she placed her trademark smirk on her tan face.

    "Feeling me up, while it will make me less nervous, is not such a good idea while I drive," she winked.

    Spencer gasped but her hand only went higher making Ashley groan at the feel of her lover getting closer to a very intimate part of her while on a public road, "I thought I was doing more than feeling you up, Ash."

    "I have created a monster," she hissed as a few fingers finally brushed up against her.

    "I’m not a monster," Spencer pouted and pulled her hand back, folding her arms.

    Ashley chuckled, leaving one hand on the steering wheel she reached the other out to tuck blonde hair behind Spencer’s ear, "Yes you are. A pussy loving monster."

    Spencer blushed hard and shifted away with a bigger pout.

    "But your my pussy loving monster." Ashley laughed out loud at the horrified look crossing her lovers face, "To vulgar Spence?"

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    1. aww it’s almost over =( well I’ve enjoyed it all the way, and this chap was no exception. can’t wait to see how you wrap it up and how their first official date goes!

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