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    Ace High – (Chapter: chapter nine)

    Spencer groaned, her back side hurt and not to mention almost every other area on her body. Blinking she sat up gripping the soft silk sheet spread out across her lower half to cover her top, light filtered in through the windows although the blinds kept most of it out. The room, just as both had imagined it, was trashed. The covers on the bed as well as their clothes littered the room, a lamp on the dresser knocked off and luckfully didn’t break due to the carpeted floor. Her head hurt and her throat was dry but none of this was noticed by tired eyes. The only thing she noticed was an empty room, void of any human but her self.

    Thoughts of another pool house incident seeped into her mind, she tried not to let it, hoping and praying that Ashley had changed, that she was different than last time. It didn’t help the forming tears but she refused to let them fall, angrily she jumped up and began getting dressed minus her bra and panties since neither could be identified from Ashley’s or the rest of the mess in the room. First time going commando in both departments of the body she shifted uncomfortably before gathering her courage and ripping the door open.

    "Spencer?" Ashley jumped a bit out of the doorway, cigarette in her hand close to her mouth, "God I’m so sorry. I wanted to be there when you woke up," her brows furrowed, "I just needed….it’s a cigarette, nothing more. See, here smell."

    As soon as she spoke the hand holding the cigarette thrust forward into Spencer’s face, her nose scrunching up and face pulling back, "You’re just smoking?"

    "Yeah. Oh right….sorry." Ashley frowned twisting around and tossing the bud on the ground than stepping on it, "Forgot you hate those things. Promise I won’t smoke around you again," she smiled like she just did something far greater than she’d ever done before and leaned in for a kiss only to meet air, "What’s wrong?"

    "You smell like an ash tray. How many did you smoke?" she raised a brow looking beyond the teenager in front of her to see five buds squashed on the ground.

    Ashley laughed quietly, "I…So I can’t kiss you?"

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    1. “Should we tell him how I have you riding my fingers like a good little bitch”… ok that line was fucking hot. I love when spence gets all dominant and whatnot. excellent update, glad you’re back so soon with it! and I’m hoping that they do get their slow romantic night that spence wants so much. although like ash said, the whole animal magnetism thing certainly isn’t a bad thing! great job, pms!

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