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    Afternoon Rapper’s Delight

    Unable to stop a large, cheeky grin from conquering her face completely, Ashley’s foot pressed a little harder on the accelerator. She giggled as her Cayenne shuddered around a sharp corner, still moving way too fast. Stopping three houses away, the brunette quickly parked, her brown eyes locked on the empty driveway of her girlfriend’s house. Paula and Arthur attending a medical conference, Clay with Chelsea and Glen out whoring himself to Madison, her smiled widened with each new addition to her mental checklist. This was it, for the first time, finally time alone, together. As she approached the door, Ashley’s head tilted at the low throb of bass coming from the house’s interior. She knocked nervously, wondering if maybe someone’s plans had changed. After waiting for what seemed like five minutes, she knocked again, much harder. Her eyes widened when the door opened slightly. “Spence?” Hesitantly stepping inside, she glanced upstairs. “Spencer?” Following the music, she slowly ascended her face scrunching as she tried to place where she’d heard the melody before.


    I’ve got hoes, I’ve got hoes

    In different area codes, area codes

    Hoes, I’ve hot hoes

    In different area codes, area codes


    Nearing her girlfriend’s open door, Ashley’s hand unconsciously raised, covering her mouth. Pacing, Spencer took a swig from her forty before growling into her phone.

    “Bitch, you think I’m playing wit you? This ain’t game, I’ll cut you!” What the fuck? “No, you listen to me, bitch. I don’t care where you are, you got one hour to get your skanky white ass back here…and it better be hot!” Slamming the phone down, the blonde took another, longer swig. “Damn, these hoes working my nerves to-day!” Shaking her head, Ashley blinked rapidly, pinching her arm. Hearing whimpering, Spencer looked up. Attempting to hide the glass bottle behind her back, she smiled innocently, tossing her hair back. “Hey, Boogie Bear!”


    Voice cracking, Ashley backed away from her girlfriend. “Is that malt liquor? Are you drinking malt liquor?”


    Sighing, Spencer placed the half-empty bottle on her nightstand. After adjusting her stuffed animals, she sat on her bed, smoothing out her short, green uniform skirt. Using the remote, she turned the music off and held out her hand to her girlfriend. Ignoring the younger girl’s hand, Ashley sat, hugging herself, eyes searching the blonde’s face. “Look, there’s a lot about me you don’t know. Damn, this shit is hard.” Unzipping her stuffed Winnie the Pooh doll, Spencer pulled out a blunt. Pushing it into the corner of her mouth, she continued, squinting. “When I was inside, I swore I would never hide again, for anybody.”

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    1. Spencer yelling “I don’t have time for dis bitch!” is like, seriously, the funniest thing I have read in ages. lol. Reminds me of the time I snuck up on my “nerdy” friend in her room and she was drinking a beer and wearing a fur lined purple coat with a pink boa, and dancing to Snoop Dog. When I threw open the door all the way, she was saying, “Fuck dat hoe, I like my bitches plump and craaaaaaazaaaaay!” That you for that memory. This trip into bizarro-land was what I needed. :) Trism I always dig yo shit, girrrrl. Mmm-hmmm.

    2. Spencer yelling “I don’t have time for dis bitch!” is like, seriously, the funniest thing I have read in ages. lol. Reminds me of the time I snuck up on my “nerdy” friend in her room and she was drinking a beer and wearing a fur lined purple coat with a pink boa, and dancing to Snoop Dog. When I threw open the door all the way, she was saying, “Fuck dat hoe, I like my bitches plump and craaaaaaazaaaaay!” That you for that memory. This trip into bizarro-land was what I needed. :) Trism I always dig yo shit, girrrrl. Mmm-hmmm.

    3. omfg.. i have no words to explain…speechless wuld be one LOL…I was laughing so hard.. but then the picture of all those fine gals?? mmm mmm LOL

    4. omfg.. i have no words to explain…speechless wuld be one LOL…I was laughing so hard.. but then the picture of all those fine gals?? mmm mmm LOL

    5. LMFAO!…um…I don’t know what to say really. This is just so, and Spence as…and then the girls. I’m with Mandysonfan, totally speechless! But ones things for sure I won’t have to do any sit-ups today! LMAO…Spence was so sweet and innocent once, and now I see her in a whole new light thanks to you!

    6. LMFAO!…um…I don’t know what to say really. This is just so, and Spence as…and then the girls. I’m with Mandysonfan, totally speechless! But ones things for sure I won’t have to do any sit-ups today! LMAO…Spence was so sweet and innocent once, and now I see her in a whole new light thanks to you!

    7. Fucking HIL…AR…IOUS!!!! This is so fucking funny and hot, bitch. Back to the Eastside! You crack me up and get me hot all at the same time! From the 310….WOW! You go GIRL!! T

    8. Fucking HIL…AR…IOUS!!!! This is so fucking funny and hot, bitch. Back to the Eastside! You crack me up and get me hot all at the same time! From the 310….WOW! You go GIRL!! T

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