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    All Alone – (Chapter: Accidental)

    Do we know how to get the message across

    We turn the lights off

    To find our way out

    No time to get through to grasp what was lost

    Don’t turn the lights off and leave me in the

    The room spun uncontrollably. All that anger crashed and turned back into force fed misery, clinging to ever thought. Desperation is a funny thing. How desperate does someone have to be to hurt themselves to cure pain? I’m not even sure if that statement makes sense. To cure a pain with a different kind of pain… Well call me what you like. I never chose to wake up and be desperate. It’s what I am, whether I like it or not.

    It felt like someone shut off the lights, and all I could do was stumble helplessly through the dark. Entering a room I had found myself growing too familiar with, I locked the door behind me without even giving it a second thought. What I had tried to move on from, had just become another daily routine.

    sometimes I just wish I could erase my past. Maybe then, I could start over. Memories and regrets wouldn’t plague my thoughts. Maybe I could make things right for once. Maybe my dad wouldn’t hate me. My mom would notice my existence. And more importantly, I could keep Ashley from leaving…

    The thing about it was, I hated being this person. I hated myself so much it physically hurt sometimes. I wanted to change. I’d give just about anything to be someone else. If I could fix anything though, I’d make sure I hadn’t brought anybody down with me. If I really loved these people, I wouldn’t have done this to them.

    Taking a deep breath, I knew how to relieve this pain. I knew exactly where to leave the remains of memory so painful, it would eat me alive from the inside. Fingers trembled as I held a firm grip on this sharp edge. It lightly grazed my skin, almost outlining the course it was planning it take. A shaking hand gripped harder onto the only hope there seemed to be left. Taking a deep breath, I pushed down…

    Hey I’m bleeding

    My soul is bleeding

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