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    All Alone – (Chapter: Back Home)

    We got back to L.A. early in the morning. Looking over to the passenger side, I saw Spencer curled up into her seat sound asleep. I couldn’t help but smirk at the image. She looked so peaceful. I didn’t want to wake her up, but we were now pulling up to my drive way.

    “Spence,” I whispered, gently shaking the sleeping beauty.

    “Huh,” she grumbled rubbing her eyes.

    “We’re home baby.” I watched her look around.

    “Time for the next trip,” she mumbled snuggling back into the seat.

    “Spencer,” I shook her again. “Get up.” She just giggled and continued lying where she was. “Spencer,” I whined.

    “If you want me to move, you’re going to have to carry me,” Spencer snickered. She thought I wouldn’t do it. Getting out of the car, I opened her side of the car door. I placed my arms around her figure and lifted her up.

    She looked slightly surprised when I actually did carry her inside. Walking up the steps, I set her down on my bed as gently as I could and went back to the car to grab the rest of the luggage.

    When I came back into the room Spencer was sound asleep. Sighing, I took off her shoes and tucked her under the covers. Taking one last glance, I walked downstairs into the early morning sun filled kitchen. The heated tiled floor felt good on my feat. Flipping open my phone, I had a new voicemail.

    “Hey Ash this is Kyla. My plane will be arriving soon and I’m going to get a cab to take me home. I should be there in a couple of hours. But oh, I gotta go. See you soon.”

    I was ecstatic about the fact that Kyla was coming back. Maybe for once, everything will quiet down for a little while. Besides, I really think this will help Spencer and right now I’m up for anything that will.


    The door bell rang, knocking me out of my thoughts. Hoping it was Kyla, I rushed to the door, but when I opened it, it wasn’t who I wanted to see.

    “Hi Ashley.” I was seething at the sight of him. I couldn’t even believe he had the fucking nerve to come here. It took everything I had to hold myself back. One of these days I’m going to make him pay for what he did to her. One of these days…

    “Hi Mr. Carlin.”

    “Listen I’m looking for Spencer…” he stated trying to peer over my shoulder, but he wasn’t coming in, not over my dead body.

    “I don’t know where she is,” I stated casually and calmly. He wasn’t getting to disturb my girl, especially not now when she seemed so peaceful.

    “Well if you see her around let me know,” he replied suspiciously. He could look around all he wanted. I was going to make sure he never ever, ever fucking touched her again.

    “Ok, bye Mr. Carlin,” was all I said before shutting the door, making sure to lock it behind me. The guy gave me the creeps. I made sure to turn on the alarm system just in case. I didn’t know what he was capable of, and I honestly did not feel like finding out.

    I was so deep in thought, that I didn’t even realize someone behind me.

    “Ash,” I jumped. I was kind of freaked out after her dad showed up and I guess I’m a little jumpy right now.

    “Hey Spence,” I replied softly.

    “What are you doing?”

    “I didn’t want to wake you up.” She looked like she was thinking about something. “What’s up Spence?”

    “Will, will you come sleep with me?” she begged sleep still evident in her eyes.

    “Sure baby,” I replied taking her hand and leading her back up to my room.

    Cuddling up next to her, I pulled the covers over us. She tucked her face into the crook of my neck. Her heated breath tickled my skin. I watched her eyes fall, her breathing even out. Nobody was going to take my girl from me. Nobody.



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