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    All Alone – (Chapter: From Memory To Reality)

    The bell finally rang, much to my relief, and school was over. Right as I entered the hall way, Ashley immediately spotted me and grabbed a hold of my hand.

    “So…” she stated like she was expecting some detailed answer on something.

    “So what?” I asked confused.

    “Wasn’t that bad was it?” she asked.

    “Yeah, it was alright,” I sighed. “But lets not get ahead of ourselves. We definitely shouldn’t make a habit of it,” I joked getting into her car.

    “You’re going to make getting you up very difficult, aren’t you?” she asked.

    “Duh,” I snickered. She just glared at me evilly.


    By the time we reached her house, it finally hit me that the day I had been dreading was over. Ok, so I’d have to go back tomorrow, but it felt like an accomplishment to me. But when we pulled up to the driveway, there was an extra addition to the Davies collection of cars. Looking over at Ashley quizzically, I watched her face light up in disbelief.

    “Ash?” I asked confused. She parked the car, and was out before I could even blink.

    “Come on,” she smiled waving at me to hurry up. Confused, I followed her inside. The grin she had on never left her face. As soon as we got inside, she started looking around as if she was searching for something, and then I figured out why…

    “Ashley,” a blond haired rocker called out to her as he came out of the kitchen.

    “Dad,” she replied enthusiastically. “What are you doing here?”

    “I decided to stop down and see my favorite daughters,” he stated before he turned around to realize my presence. “Who is your friend?”

    “This is my friend Spencer,” she answered putting extra emphasis on the friend part. Friend? “Spencer this is my dad,” she introduced us. Friend?

    “Nice to meet you,” I greeted him.

    “Likewise,” he replied. I thought that the whole introduction was over, until I looked over at Ashley gawking at something. Following her gaze, I realized she was watching someone come down the stairs.

    “Ashley you remember Mark don’t you?” her dad asked smiling like an idiot.

    “Mark?” she asked in disbelief. “The one who moved to Florida when we were little. The little scrawny kid?”

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