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    All Alone – (Chapter: Home)

    Spencer pov

    I can literally remember pacing the kitchen floor over and over and fucking over again last night. I think I wore down the tile. I swear if you look closely enough, you’ll be able to see the path I took. But there was just something’s I really needed to think through. I need, I needed air. Yeah, that’s it. Creeping up the stairs, I walked into a very silent room. Every step seemed to creek, sending shockwaves through the floor boards. Swiftly but quietly, I grabbed my ipod and a note I had hidden in my bag that had been rewritten over and over again numerous times. Folding it, I made sure to kiss a sleeping Ashley on the cheek before walking outside.

    The cool breeze hit my bare skin immediately. Night had crept up onto the day, the moon taking its rightful place for the next few hours. Switching on the ipod, I let the music fill my thoughts, taking over the chaotic thinking that seemed to be ruling my brain these days. Night was evident from all the street lights flickering on as I walked by. The ground seemed to disappear beneath my restless feet. I could say I didn’t know where I was going, but subconsciously I knew I’d end up at this destination all along. The sidewalk came to an end, as the image grew. Walls looked a lot grayer than I remembered. It almost felt cold, but I went anyways. I knew I would…




    Ashley pov

    I laid there starring at the ceiling. The fan casted shadows against the walls sending the night to hide in the corners of the room. No matter how many times I tried to think this through, I couldn’t stop worrying. I felt like a parent. It was ridiculous or so you’d think. But I’m so used to just taking care of myself. Don’t get me wrong, I love being there for Spencer, This is just all so new to me still, though.

    The door slowly creaked open, as the hallway light pierced the room, sending the shadows scattering. Closing my eyes, I let her think I was asleep. If she knew I was awake, then she’d expect me to ask her where she was going, but I knew where she was going, and I knew she wanted to be alone. So I snuggled under the covers and lied there. I could hear her rummaging through her bag. I knew what she was looking for and I knew exactly what it said. She thought I didn’t know about the letter but I found it the other day when I was looking for her ipod. Every word was packed with so much meaning. I can remember crying when I read it. Sure, I shouldn’t have read it. But honestly I was worried. All I wanted was to know how to help her…

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    1. I started reading this story. I love how Ashley is there for Spencer. I really hope Spencer stops hurting herself. I can’t wait to read what happens next. PMASAP.

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