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    All Alone – (Chapter: Reality or Fiction)

    After I shut off my alarm the next morning, my mom woke me up shortly after. Apparently I wasn’t skipping today. She gave me her same usual threats. She threatened to send me to military school, make me see someone, or send me to a nice catholic school, she doesn’t know the half. But I just rolled my eyes. Her threats are as empty as her promises.

    Wish I was too dead to cry

    Self affliction of fate

    Stones to throw at my creator

    Masochist to which I cator

    Last night was replaying my head. Speeding up and slowing down, reversing, skipping parts, repeating the last couple of words. In the end my suspicions were true. Everybody hates me just as much as I hate myself. Everyday I feel like dying more and more. You can only hold on for so long, until holding on just starts to seem worthless and pointless. This whole life is pointless. I’m not getting anywhere. No advances, I don’t even get to stay in the same place. It just spirals until rock bottom. Sad to say my existence was a mistake. I pulled down my sleeve and left for school.

    You don’t need to bother

    I don’t need to be

    I’ll keep slipping farther

    And once I hold on I wont let go till it bleeds

    Walking to my locker I saw Aiden all over Ashley. His hands were running down her back. His mouth searing her skin. God this hurts too much. It took all my will power to hide the pain from my facial expressions, but I know I still failed. I shoved my books in my locker and went to class.

    Wish I was to dead to care

    If indeed I cared at all

    Never had a voice to protest

    So you fed me shit to digest

    I don’t even know what’s worse anymore, the fact that these people don’t give a damn about me, or the fact that I care than they don’t care. It that possibly makes any sense at all. Maybe this is my fault for never speaking up, but hiding my flaws is a full time job.

    I wish I had a reason

    My flaws are open season

    For this I gave up trying

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    1. I just have one thing to say, WHY THE HELL CAN’T PEOPLE IGNORE THEIR CELL FHONES WHEN THEY ARE ABOUT TO GET SOME!! Geez, where are their priorities. If you’re going to stop because of a stupid phone it should be just to turn it off not to answer the damn thing. UGH!! I’m done ranting now. Great update!! PMS!!

    2. I agree with ge97511..I mean..hello…You have this gorgeous girl under you , and you go to answer your fone…My God woman where is your head…And Aiden sucks and so does his timing..pms

    3. I just have one thing to say, WHY THE HELL CAN’T PEOPLE IGNORE THEIR CELL FHONES WHEN THEY ARE ABOUT TO GET SOME!! Geez, where are their priorities. If you’re going to stop because of a stupid phone it should be just to turn it off not to answer the damn thing. UGH!! I’m done ranting now. Great update!! PMS!!

    4. I agree with ge97511..I mean..hello…You have this gorgeous girl under you , and you go to answer your fone…My God woman where is your head…And Aiden sucks and so does his timing..pms

    5. one reason i don’t have a cell phone, stupid interuptions, i hope ash rushes out after her because reading that last sentences makes me feel that spence is going to do something bad.

    6. one reason i don’t have a cell phone, stupid interuptions, i hope ash rushes out after her because reading that last sentences makes me feel that spence is going to do something bad.

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