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    All Alone – (Chapter: Red Bull Gives You Wings)

    2 a.m. in the morning I woke up in a cold sweat. Almost instinctively I checked the side of the bed next to me.

    Spencer wasn’t there.

    Searching around frantically, I couldn’t find her, but my panic eased when I saw her standing outside. Her hair was blown by the cooling wind. Surging through my body, I felt worry and love all in one emotion. Deciding to give her some time alone, I went to the bathroom, and by the time I came out she was silently sneaking in through the door.

    “I didn’t mean to wake you up,” she apologized sympathetically.

    “Don’t worry about it,” I assured her crawling back under the covers.

    “Do you think this will come out right in the end?” I wasn’t even sure what she was asking. But it sounded profound, as if she had been sitting on the question for awhile.

    “Yes,” I stated simply. “As long as you’re here with me everything will be fine.”

    “Do you ever think running away was a mistake?”

    “I look at it more as a break from reality. Or as a vacation. It’s not like we’re not going back eventually,” I answered.

    “Yeah, but do you ever wonder how much easier your life would have been if you would have just stayed with Aiden. I mean do you ever regret this.”

    “Not once. This is the one decision that I’ve ever made that I know for sure is the right one Spence.”

    “How do you know Ash?”

    “Because when I’m around you,” I started leaning back on the pillows. “I feel something that as soon as I felt it I knew I could never live without it again. I feel like I’m flying,” I stated laughing at the mental image. “you’re just like red bull. You give me wings.”


    “Yeah,” I replied.

    “That’s the cheesiest line I’ve ever heard.”

    “Yeah, but you love it.”

    “Unfortunately, yes I love everything about you,” she joked pulling the covers over her body.

    “Spencer there’s been something I’ve been meaning to ask you since our date,” I stated getting nervous. I didn’t think I’d get this nervous.

    “What’s up Ash?” she asked.

    “You’re the best choice I’ve ever make Spence,” I stated. “No one could replace what you mean to me. And I guess what I’m trying to say is Spencer Carlin will you be my girlfriend?” Her eyes got big. In those few moments I felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest. My heart beat was in my hand, and I swear to god someone turned up the heat in here.

    “Yes,” she stated. “Ashley Davies I would love to be your girlfriend.” Both of us knew we already were a couple, but the label means a little more. And a want to be able to call Spencer my girlfriend more than anything I’ve ever wanted in my life. And just like that she took her right full place in my arms and my eyes got heavy and closed.


    We spent the next two days driving through state after state. I enjoyed every moment of it. I was falling harder for her everyday. To say that falling was an option would be a lie. Falling wasn’t a choice, it just came with the package. But it was the best package I’ve ever got. Ever small town looked the same, and every city was over packed, and overrated. By the time we got to Maryland I was ready to not drive for a year. My ass was tired.

    Pulling up Kyla’s drive way, we got out and knocked on the door. Sure enough her mom opened it and invited us inside. Kyla came down and basically jumped us. Then we all exchanged greetings, making sure cross the I’s and dot the t’s when it came to “appropriate” conversational exchanges. Kyla looked antsy, and finally managed to pull us away from her mother and into her room. From the look on her face I could tell she was curious. Yeah, she was going to ask a hell of a lot of questions.

    “So spill,” she stated as soon as the door closed.

    “Spill what?” I asked playing games with her. I knew exactly what she wanted to know, but I’m Ashley Davies. I live for the game.

    “Come on you know what,” she insisted.

    “Not quite sure what you’re talking about Ky.”

    “Fine, fine. How did you two get together?”

    “we fell in love,” I stated simply leaving it at that. And yes I was very happy with my answer.

    “You’re going to leave me like this?” Kyla asked.

    “Yes,” I answered grabbing Spencer’s hand and walking off towards the guest bedroom.



    1. YAY! they’re in love. and i like how its all happy and stuff right now .. but i can’t help but wonder what’s gonna happen when they go back. im kinda scared. this story is SO awesome!! PMASAP!!

    2. YAY! they’re in love. and i like how its all happy and stuff right now .. but i can’t help but wonder what’s gonna happen when they go back. im kinda scared. this story is SO awesome!! PMASAP!!

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