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    All Alone – (Chapter: Schools Overrated)

    Monday morning rolled around and I let out a sigh. Every fiber of my being was telling me, this was going to be one long fucking morning. Shuffling, I decided to get Kyla up first. You know the funniest thing about this is, I used to be the irresponsible one. Since when have I become the parent? I swear to god, half the time I’m going to wake up in an alternate universe.

    Rubbing sleep out of my eyes, I knocked on Kyla’s door.

    “Wake up,” I demanded pounding harder. The sun was being especially evil this morning. No matter how I seemed to shade my eyes, it penetrated my defenses. Stupid sun.

    “One more minute,” Kyla mumbled barely coherent.

    “Kyla you’re not in fucking Baltimore anymore. I’m not your mom,” I yelled frustrated. “Get your lazy ass up.” I had things to get done and she wasn’t exactly top priority at the moment. Today was actually the first day Spencer’s been in school since, oh God a long fucking time. Last night I could tell she was nervous. If the fidgeting all night long didn’t give it away, her begging me to let her drop out did.

    She had to go back sooner or later though. It was better she got it over with. Getting frustrated, I pounded even harder.

    “I swear to fucking God Kyla. If you don’t get your ass up I’m going to go fucking go A wall on you. You have to be there today. Spencer needs you and right now I have to go get ready,” I ranted. This seemed to go nowhere.

    “Fine,” huffed Kyla. Waiting for I few seconds, the door finally opened. “Happy?”

    “Very,” I smirked walking away. One person awake. One left.

    Walking back over to my bed, I took one last glance at a peaceful Spencer before I ripped off the covers. “Wakey Wakey Spency,” I chirped joyfully. Oh god, this perkiness was starting to scare me. What the hell is happening to me? Must fight maturity.

    “Ash I don’t feel good,” Spencer groaned trying to dig her face into the pillow. She attempted to escape the sun, so I decided to make it harder.

    “How convenient,” I smirked before opening the blinds.

    “Dick move,” she mumbled.

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    1. Awesome update as usual. I’m glad Ash is there for Spencer and I loved when Spencer pretended to be the recording for an answering machine. PMASAP.

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