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    All Alone – (Chapter: The older i get)

    The space between you and I

    Always pushing us apart

    Nothing left but scar fight after fight

    The space between our calm and rage

    Is disappearing slowly day after day

    I was sitting there waiting in my room for you

    You were waiting for me to

    And it makes me wonder…


    I feel like I’m sitting on the sidelines watching everything play out.  As I walked down the sidewalks I could feel the cold air moving across my skin.  In a weird sense it felt real, and it made me feel somewhat alive.  I don’t know how long I was walking before I could see someone pulling up besides me, their headlights shining in my eyes.  It was Ashley in her porche.


    It’s not fair that she gets to hurt me and put the pieces back together. 


    “Get in the car,” she demanded.

    “I need to clear my head.”

    “By walking ten miles?”

    “Did you have fun talking to Aiden?” I asked switching the topic.

    “Spence it’s not like that,” in her voice it sounded almost as if she was pleading with me to understand.  The worst part about it was I did.

    “Like what Ash?”

    “I just can’t be with you Spence.  It’s not that easy.”

    “I know,” I whispered hoping that if I said it soft enough it wouldn’t be true.  “I know.”

    “I never meant to hurt you.  I do love you.  She just had to say it. 

    “Will you just give me a ride home?” I asked just wanting to get the hell out of this conversation because it was going absolutely nowhere. 


    The older I get

    Will I get over it

    Its been way too long for the times we missed

    I didn’t know that it would hurt like this

    But I think the older I get

    Will I get over it

    Its ben way too long for the times we missed

    I can’t believe it still hurts like this


    The entire ride home consisted of empty silences, and by the time we pulled up to my house I practically had to clamp my hand over my mouth before I said something stupid.

    “Bye,” I opened the door.

    “Spence,” Ashley pleaded grabbing me before I could leave.  “Promise me you wont hurt yourself.”

    “I think I’ve been hurt enough for one night Ash,” I said ripping my arm out of her hand.  I could see it in her eyes that this hurt her more than I meant it too.  But what did she expect.  She’s trying to save the unsavable.  As I walked to my house I could hear her sobbing into her wheel.  I went inside…


    The time between those cutting words

    Built up our defenses

    Never made no sense it just made me hurt

    Do you believe that time heals our wouds

    It started getting better

    But it’s easy not to fight when I’m not with you


    Ashley completely ignored me the next couple of days.  She of course acted like it never happened, and Aiden was oblivious as usual. I was right back to square one, but then why does it hurt more than before?  It didn’t take long until I fell back into my usual routine.


    The blade felt cool in my hand contrasting with my heated flesh.  With every tear falling from my blue eyes it sunk deeper.  Gaining momentum from every tortured memory, everytime I’ve been let down, for being so pathetic and worthless.  Beads of blood were appearing slowly sliding down my ahdn and onto the sink.  I cried.  I cried, but I felt better than before.  I felt relieved, but I knew this feeling was only temporary.  I prayed for a release that I felt would never come. Maybe one day I’ll make it permenant.


    What was I waiting for

    I should have taken less and given you more

    I should’ve weathered the storm

    I need to say so bad

    What were you waiting for

    This could have been the best we’ve ever had

                I’m just getting older

                I’m not getting over you

                I’m trying to

                I wish it didn’t hurt like this

                It’s been way too long for the times we missed

                I can’t believe it still hurts like this


    1. man you can feel her pain and how much ashley is hurting her and even if she did tell her she loved spence she didn’t love her enough apparently to back it up. she ignores her at school again like nothing happened between them. so she shouldn’t be surprised when she sees spence hurting herself again great update!pms!!

    2. man you can feel her pain and how much ashley is hurting her and even if she did tell her she loved spence she didn’t love her enough apparently to back it up. she ignores her at school again like nothing happened between them. so she shouldn’t be surprised when she sees spence hurting herself again great update!pms!!

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