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    All Alone – (Chapter: Tired and Uninspired)

    Ashley pov

    For hours I’ve been pacing around these same four walls, waiting for Spencer‘s call. For hours they keep closing in. My music played in the background, but it wouldn’t slow down my thoughts.

    I couldn’t tell you how long I’ve been dwelling on the same facts, or how deep this cut seems to dig itself. Every second it pierced my heart a little deeper. I didn’t even know it was possible to feel like this until Spencer came around. To say she opened my eyes would be and understatement. She is my eyes. And right now I can’t get her off my mind. After awhile I even started hearing things, in hopes that it was my phone. I guess your mind is the best at lying, because if you can lie convince yourself of a your own lie…you fall into a deception you can control. Deep down I know she’ll be the only person who will ever have this effect on me.

    I was so lost in thought, that when my phone actually did ring I think I had a minor heart attack.

    “Shit!” I screamed running to my phone. I was so eager to talk to Spencer that I didn’t even bother to look at the caller ID.

    “Hey sis,” Kyla greeted me from the other end.

    “Kyla?” I questioned surprised. “Oh my God I haven’t talked to you in forever Ky.”

    “I know. I miss you so much.” I could almost feel my mind drifting away from Spencer. It was like an obvious process that I couldn’t stop. So I let I consume me whole.

    “Things haven’t been the same since you went back to Baltimore.”

    “Well then I have good news for you,” Kyla squealed sounding over joyed.

    “You’re not good at secrets Ky, just tell me what up,” I laughed hoping to avoid the suspense. If she gave me too much time I get too hopeful and have to watch it all crash.

    “I’M COMING BACK!” she screamed so loud I had to pull the receiver away from my ear.

    “Are you serious,” I stated sounding dumbfounded.

    “My plane comes lands in a week.”

    “We are throwing a huge fricken party when you get home.”

    “Oooo I know. I’m so excited Ash. You have to invite a lot of super hot guys though.”

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    1. I really liked this. It pulled at my heart. I hope that BASTARDS (A.K.A. Spencer’s parents) don’t find them. Please make them okay and happy. PMS!!!

    2. gah! that was SO amazing. awesome awesome update. and the song .. fit really well. great job! my american heart ROCKS!!! (= again, amazing job! PMASAP!

    3. I really liked this. It pulled at my heart. I hope that BASTARDS (A.K.A. Spencer’s parents) don’t find them. Please make them okay and happy. PMS!!!

    4. gah! that was SO amazing. awesome awesome update. and the song .. fit really well. great job! my american heart ROCKS!!! (= again, amazing job! PMASAP!

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