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    All my love, All my life

    Ashley walks through the cemetry, her head hanging.

       -"Miss Davies, may I please have this dance?"

    She sits on the ground in front of a grave stone.

       -"Wait, whats wrong?"

    She places her palm on the side of it. The stone cooling her sweaty palm.

       –"Look, spencer, I’m sorry. I know you told me to back off."

    She traces the letters with her fingers. Tears welling in her eyes.

       -"What? You had no right to do that"

    Spencer Carlin. A beloved daughter, sister, and girlfriend.

       –Spencer took off and Ashley ran after her.

    "Why?!? You were so wrong, so innocent." Ashley said aloud.

       –"Spencer! Wait up!"

    Ashley’s face was tear stained as she continued to stare at the stone.

       –"You already had your chance with Ashley!"

    Ashley leaned against the stone, holding onto it to keep her from falling to the ground

       –"You can’t just cut off who you love!"
        "Love?" spencer looked to Ashley then Aiden then back to Ashley. "No, pleace, dont do this"

    Ashley remembered the hurt in those eyes. They were usually blue and full of life. But then, at that instant, they were cold and grey.

       –"Stop it you two. I decide who I love!" Ashley screamed
        "Then just decided!" Spencer screamed back. That scream broke Ashley’s heart.

    "Why’d this happen? We were so happy!" Ashley slowly choked the words out. She was now completely broken.

       –Gun shots rang the air as Aiden tried to pull Ashley down.
        "Aiden!" Ashley screamed, desperately trying to push him off so she could save Spencer. But she was too late. Spencer fell to the ground. She got Aiden off of here and ran over to the wounded blonde. "Spencer, baby, please come back to me. I love you spencer." Ashley was  holding her close and crying hysterically.
       "Ashley, I love you." And then Spencer stopped breathing.

    Ashley’s breathing became heavy as the memories flooded her mood. She had to focus on her breaths to be able to breathe.

       –Spencer was pronounced dead on scene. Ashley lost it and closed herself off to everyone but Mr.C

    "Spencer, I miss you. It’s been realy hard not to die. I’m staying alive for you and only you.

       –"THEN JUST DECIDE!!" Spencer screamed

    Ashley couldnt get that line or the way Spencer screamed it outta of her. It held so much pain, so much heartache.
    "It was never a choice." She slowly stood up, tried to compose herself, and started to walk away. "I only love you, Spence. You have all my love for all my life." And with that, she left.


    1. i know!! right now i am like bawling lol… but im glad thats not happening in the real show, cause they would never do anything like that cuz then the show would end… but omg if they did do that on the show??? i would be sooo depressed ll

    2. i know!! right now i am like bawling lol… but im glad thats not happening in the real show, cause they would never do anything like that cuz then the show would end… but omg if they did do that on the show??? i would be sooo depressed ll

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