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    Alteration – (Chapter: (5) Putting Up the Battering Ram)

    Alteration chapter 5

    Is it possible to become incredibly horny due to a single stare? God she’s beautiful and she keeps giving me these looks, the looks.

    Spencer Carlin, what I have learned to be her name, sits across the quad giving me an insight to the lust in her cobalt eyes. She’s still donning the bright red and white varsity jacket but today she has a black Led Zeppelin tee, fitting her nicely if I do say so myself, ass hugging jeans and high top chucks. Carlin is definitely not your average jock’s girlfriend. You know, the fake and plastic Barbie airhead, pop music blonde. No, she’s the rebel, punk, athletic, talented, and intellectual girl. She is the ultimate mystery and if she keeps giving me that look, I’ll just have to figure her out.

    A group of jocks, mainly football guys, go up to her and they start talking, without breaking our intense gaze she responds. Giving me a wink, Blondie gets up and, after giving a blonde guy a kiss on the cheek, stands upon the table in the center of the quad. She has all of my attention, although I feel a bit disappointed.

    ‘Figures, she’s got the all American boyfriend’

    She blows me a kiss and I’m thoroughly confused.

    ‘What’s with the come here go away trip’

    Someone passes the goddess a mic and her sultry voice is carried by the PA system.

    "So, you guys ready for the game tonight?!!!"

    The whole quad erupts in cheers. Guess she’s a Cheerbitch, what a shame. As much as that puts me off, normally, all I can think about is her prancing around in a short ass skirt, me taking her after her practice in the locker room, her being flexible in the most…..satisfying ways. My breath hitched and by the huge grin plastered to Spencer’s face, mine had to have been flushed. She looked into my eyes as she spoke and it felt as if she could see everything as if she knew all my faults and most importantly, my weaknesses. I panic and avert my eyes. If she makes no eye contact she can’t be let in, if she’s not in…well then there’s no risk.

    “Ok well if you’re pumped for that you’ll lose your heads when you find out that Created then Abandoned will be playing at Homecoming”

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