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    Alteration – (Chapter: (7) Damn)

    Looking at the clock besides her bed she realizes it’s nine pm.

    “Pancakes at 9 in the night? That girl is crazy”

    The injured had brunette lifted herself from the bed and made her way into the walk-in closet when she realized that she had yet to unpack. Sighing, she went back into the room and over to the couch where she had lazily dropped her bags the previous afternoon. Singing could be heard from downstairs and she figured it was Spencer. As the teen pulled out some sweats and her favorite Mayday Parade tee she realized what song Spencer was singing, it was New Kid in School by The Donnas. It didn’t surprise Ashley that the blonde would know a song like that but the irony of the song choice did. Spencer wasn’t the best singer but she definitely didn’t cause ears to spontaneously bleed. Ashley found herself grinning at her choice of song as the words made her stomach tie in knots.

    “Bad weather, let’s get together
    I’m waiting inside
    Night lesson, study session
    You know you work for fun
    So what’s your game,
    new kid in school?
    Tell me something: do you feel lonely?
    Come sit next to me
    Tell me, honey: do you feel lonely?
    Come get closer to me
    It ain’t that bad
    You know it really ain’t that bad
    You can’t avoid me,
    might as well explore me
    ‘Cause you should – well, you’re the new kid in school, you’re the new kid in school
    Best dressed, be my guest
    I’ll take you to the top
    School nurse, you’re not the first
    And I won’t tell you to stop
    Burn hotter, let’s come together
    You’ve got to educate me
    Hot shot, the parking lot
    Before you graduate
    So what’s your game,
    new kid in school?
    Tell me something: do you feel lonely?
    Come sit next to me
    Tell me, honey: do you feel lonely?
    Come get closer to me
    It ain’t that bad
    You know it really ain’t that bad
    You can’t avoid me,
    might as well explore me
    ‘Cause you should – well, you’re the new kid in school, you’re the new kid in school”

    Having owned every CD that The Donnas had ever released, she knew that certain words were altered. She assumed Spencer found her words more…fitting. By the time she was dressed and walking down the stairs Ashley was confident in the fact that Spencer wanted her, she was confident in the fact that she could have her and she was confident in the fact that she was a nervous wreck . Ashley Davies doesn’t do nervous. She figured she should use the only thing she was good for to get out of her little predicament. She would fuck Spencer out of her system. The fiery brunnette thought, if she got her in bed then she wouldn’t have anymore of these….feelings towards the blonde. Feelings that couldn’t be dealt with.

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    1. NOOOOO!!!! thts jus cruel how can u leave it there. ugh now i gota go through the rest of the day wondering. i hope ur happy. lol jk. n e ways hurry up n post n yea. PMS!!

    2. Gosh, how could you leave it there? aaahhh!! More More More!! I love Spencer’s strong character that you’ve created. It’s refreshing. Please pms and update more often, please. I’m begging you :)

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