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    Am I Your First or Your Forever – (Chapter: 5)

    I drove fast to my house with spencer behind me the whole time.we pulled up to my house ok well mansion in minutes.i got out of my car and walked over to where spencer parked hers."it’s beautiful ash" she said looking at the mansion and getting out."yeah just wait till you see the inside"i said taking her hand and walking to the door.i unlocked the door and let spencer in."what do you think?"i asked looking at her."beautiful"she said smiling and looking at me."yes beautiful"i said looking in her eyes which made her grin.

    "give me your bag i’ll carry them to my room in less you want to sleep in one of the many guest rooms"i say taking her bag."your room is fine ash"she said as we walked up the stairs to my room.i opened my door and spencer just stood there looking around my room with her mouth wide open."spencer you can come in you don’t have to stand at the door"i said laughing.well i guess if i didn’t live here and i wasn’t rich i’d be doing the same room is huge like 2 master bedrooms put together with a king size bed on one side my big tv and music stuff on the other.i have my own bathroom red walls and a closet that half the size of my room."come on spencer say something do something"i said pushing her."oh sorry ash your room is great and huge"she said blushing.

    "wanna watch a movie or something?"i asked while laying on my bed."sure"she said sitting next to me."what do you wanna watch?"i ask going to my tv stand thats full of dvd."you have so many dvds ash"she said standing beside me."um hills have eyes 2"she says grabing the movie and handing it to me"ok i’ll go make some popcorn and get us some cokes"i said then walked down stairs to start the popcorn and get some cokes.i put the popcorn in the microwave got a bowl out and 2 cokes.i put the popcorn in the bowl when it was done and walked back up stairs.

    walking back in my room i see spencer had changed in to some boy shorts and a wife beater."i’ll start the movie in a sec just let me change i said handing her a coke and the popcorn.i sat my coke down by my bed and walked to my bathroom to change.i put my night clothes on which were pretty much the same thing spencer was wearing but if you ask me she look so much hotter than me.when i walked back in the room spencer looked my up and down and her eyes darken which got me wet.

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