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    Am I Your First or Your Forever – (Chapter: 6)

    I swam to the side of the pool and looked for spencer."ash i’m going to kill you"she said for behind me grabing me by the waist.i look at her and she’s smirking she looked sexy.she threw me in the deep end and as soon as i came up she pushed me back under.i came up graed her and pulled her close to me.i kissed her nose cheek and then her lips.we kissed for a few seconds before kyla came out."ash mom is gone time to get the party stuff ready for friday"she said looking at me and spencer who is hiding her face from kyla who just walk in well out on us kissing."sorry ashley sorry um"she said looking at spencer who is finally looking at my sister."spencer i’m spencer ashley’s girlfriend"she said smiling at me."wow ash i didn’t know you had a girlfriend why didn’t you tell me?"she asked looking down at me as if i did something wrong.

    "i was going to tell you but your weren’t home and i couldn’t get you on your cell"i said getting out of the pool."so hows aiden?"kyla asked. she’s in love with him but he’s gay wait sorry bi."he’s still gay if that what your wondering"i said hugging her."ash your wet dammit"she said pushing me back in the pool which made spencer laugh."i’ll try to get him to go on a date with you ok"i said getting out of the pool again this time with spencer behind me."thank you thank you"she said jumping up and down.

    "oh it’s nice to meet you spencer"she said smiling at spencer."nice to meet you too kyla"spencer said smiling back."kyla come here for a sec i got to tell you something"i said walking by the side of the pool and she followed."yes ashley?"she asked.i grabed her by the arm and pulled her over my head i walked closer to the pool and tossed her in.she screamed the second i let go of her.spencer and i laughed our asses off.

    she got of the pool and came after me thats when aiden grabed her."thanks ad"i said smiling and walking over to spencer who took my hand and kissed it i smiled at her."no problem ash"he said smiling down at kyla who was still in his arms.i swear she could have meated when he smiled at her yeah she got it bad."aiden could you please put me down?"kyla asked looking up at him.he turned her around so she was facing him."no i think i like were you are"he said smiling at her like he has been doing since he pick her up.

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    1. Nice job again! The Aiden and Glen being gay together was priceless, but its cool that Aiden’s into Kyla. I like the way you’re gradually bringing Spashley along. Keep it up!

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