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    …And It Feels Like – (Chapter: What We’re Up Against: Part 2)

    Spencer craned her neck to see who had grabbed her roommates attention at the door as she shuffled off, following the wooden knock against their screen door that screened absolutely nothing since the frail mesh netting and the chipped paint frame was all there was to their door, trying not to make it as apparent that she was spying nosing for information. Frowning, she couldn’t really hear anything but the slow creaking of the door after Charlie let the visitor in overpowering their conversation, able to catch a glimpse of them partially before they set out of view. Spencer was near falling off of her bed, craning her neck so hard to even see an arm. It wasn’t jealousy that she thought she was feeling, though her skin started to prickle hearing the muffled laughing and occassional whisper imbetween a moan that didn’t belong to Charlie (probably some skeeze trying to get in good, overdoing it). This all just reminded her of Ashley. The sneaking around, the rush she felt when she kissed her, half hoping someone would catch them so everyone would know who claimed the hottest girl at King and the other half just wanting to keep it the way it was having Ashley all to herself.

    She missed seeing Ashley, touching her face and kissing her. Just talking to her on the phone even for a brief moment was enough for her.

    A moment had passed, and Charlie and her mystery girl clambored back into the room, the guests hands not in polite positions in front of a host. Spencer usually wasn’t quick to judge anyone, but this girl immediately annoyed her seeing how she was all over Charlie. And Charlie too, showing no indifference. The unnamed ‘guest’, whose name Charlie wouldn’t remember more than half an hour later after they’d finished whatever impromtu plans the girl had positioned, drifted her fingers up under Charlie’s shirt that clung to her small frame claiming all territory. The shirt only made it worse, given as it gave little room to mystery, Spencer having to witness the girls hand fumble around Charlie’s near perfect body awkwardly as over thought would would seem pleasureable to an icon like Charlie. Charlie claimed she screwed herself over getting a tattoo of breasts on her hip bone, victim to a drunken night, though never attempting to remove it. Plus, she had no ideas whose boobs they even were.

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