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    …And It Feels Like – (Chapter: What We’re Up Against: Part 2)

    Her roommate even seem bored, her eyes half moons staring back at Spencer with a ‘what can you do?’ look on her face, feeling indifferent to the girl behind her groping her breast and sqeezing her too hard. She didn’t know what the hell she was doing, it was like she was trying to juice oranges or something how rough she was. From just over her hip bone, Spencer saw the two mystery breasts peeking right over the drawstring on her pajamas, looking like eyes if you didn’t stare hard enough but it was difficult not too with the girl becoming desperate for some sort of reaction stuffing her hand down into Charlie’s pants like she was scrambling to fish out a falling ring down a drain pipe. If only Charlie could see the girls face, twisted and contorted as she roughed around Charlie’s body, she probably would’ve laughed if she hadn’t been stricken with the pain of this girls complete ignorance to sensuality.

    She didn’t egg the girl on, but she didn’t exactly make an attempt to stop her either, as if her actions couldn’t be controlled and she was a victim. So convient for her, but it pissed Spencer off. Still, just like Ashley she wouldn’t stay anything until it was absolutely out of control and too thrown out of proportion to deal with. It hadn’t been that long with them in the room, but Spencer felt like she was the intruder, a wave of awkwardness overcoming her. With a sudden burst of energy, Spencer kicked her legs over onto the side of her bed, fumbling around for her clothes to pull on and get the hell out of there. She didn’t want to see this a moment longer than what she had to.




    "Tell me your man’s got it!" Over joyed, and a little drunk, Glen walked into his new apartment proud of his first steps out of adolescence and into freedom as an adult. With Clay and Chelsea having the baby, Glen more than abused their situation for his own privledge of getting out of the house sooner than his parents had expected. No one had ever really trusted Glen completely, and from the past year leaving him in a room alone for two long usually left some repercussions, but his parents after weeks of fighting and bickering had to let him go. From the slight tug that Glen have to give on Madision to come inside to give her the grand ‘ole tour of his new home, he knew to anyone else his place wasn’t exactly the finest but it was his. No matter how unfurnished it was."Yeah- fresh wall of paint, move my furniture in this weekend… Trust me, this place will be the pad." He comforted as Madision allowed him to pull her into his chest only because she had sworn she had seen something scutter past the doorway from inside.

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