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    …And It Feels Like – (Chapter: What We’re Up Against: Part 2)

    Her face had been contorted into a wake of disgust since he pulled off the freeway into uncharted territory, liquor and girls packed onto every street corner. It wasn’t exactly filling out to be a fitting surprise. Still, this was Madision she faked a tight smile while hanging onto the door handle ready to leap out of his rank vehicle at the first moment she had seen fit nervously darting around the area. Madision was trying to climb back to privledge, not sink back into it with her out of reality boyfriend. Glen’s breath on her neck suddenly fitted a sudden change, as she slinked down ready to slide down and slither out of the room like the snake she was- if this was what Glen’s ‘plans’ were for the both of them she wasn’t having it. "What? What’s wrong?" There were flickers of seriousness in Glen, especially when conflicts had arose between his own agenda his arm slinking out wrapping back around Madision waist before she could completely run out of the door, figuring that she wasn’t going to take it as well as she would’ve back when scouts had basically threw him a car but with the situation her family had faced this past year and the downfall they’d had… his apartment in his opinion should’ve been a step up.

    "There’s… no cockroaches, or, or- rats anywhere. Trust me, my dad sprayed the place before we came." An easily set off person, Madision switched on Glen so typically of her as her hips cocked to her right side that maniacal look written across her face, the look that burned through Glen and anyone else. Few were immunte to Madision’s glares, especially Glen as he nervously swished his arms before locking them tightly underneath his arms hoping that he hadn’t ruined his chances of getting laid sometime tonight. All the money he had spent on liqour, and she still had the substance to get pissed at him, usually she was such a happy drunk. "You really don’t think I’m having sex with you? In here?"

    Madision controlled Glen like her child and he responded in the same way, searching around for a body or muse to help him come up with anything to get the rage in Madision subside. Anything could set her off, fights could ensue at any time and usually when he hadn’t expected it. Sometimes, Glen was able to work over with his humor and unstable voice working sympathy and denial into his favor. "Are you kidding me? This place is a dump right now! I just wanted to… show you, the view- the only thing of this crackhouse that isn’t going to be completely remodeled." He bragged, his bravado changing to please his sort of girlfriend as his heavy arm came down over Madision’s dragging her towards the smeared sliding window to his deck outside, having to slightly tug her along under his force. Madision clearly didn’t want to take another step father into the apartment, struggling under Glen before she just shoved him away into the doorway stepping out onto the patio like he had wanted.

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