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    …And It Feels Like – (Chapter: What We’re Up Against: Part 2)

    With her neck always tilting back, her nose snouted into the air with the chic immortality that used to fit her to the T, Madision slinked out onto the patio casually taking in his view never going to appreciate the louder acoustic of sirens outside, not to mention the smoggy bleak view that Glen had praised. Far as Madision’s eyes could reach, she’d seen nothing but disgust and filth, a world that she wasn’t going to fall into because of her father. A world that, she was going to find her way back into and Aiden was her perfect in. He’d denied her many times before after their break up, however with Ashley so disconnected from what was sitting in front of her thanks to her smothering lesbian girlfriend and Aiden having absoltely no interest in Kyla, she was the only framiliarity the boy had left. Aiden was oafish with no substance and Madision was… smarter. He had to be balanced out somehow. As comfortable in his own skin as he projected, Aiden was terrified of unframiliarity and especially ‘dying alone’ and with all of his lifelines refusing to speak to him… he’d fall back into what was framiliar. And Madision would fall into what she deserved.

    However, to work her ways successfully this time around, she’d neeed a lot more idiotic pawns than just Aiden. "So…" Drawing her tongue across her lips, she’d turned right into Glen as he pressed her against the second grade railing already swarming on her like a moth reeling back once again trying not to show her annoyance. For someone who had graduated, she couldn’t believe how one demensional Glen still was. She would’ve assumed the Army would’ve knocked some sort of personality into him, without basketball he’d become even more boring than he was before forcing herself to pull interest into him. "When’s Spencer getting back?"

    "Spencer?" Anything to pull him off of her, she was trying to keep her last decent outfit intact, she didn’t have the money to run to the dry cleaners every time she had needed to fool around with Glen to keep him satisfied. "She’s getting back this weekend… why?" Ironing her clothes over with her hand finally able to pull her stomach out from cradling against her spine to keep any distance between her and his cheap cologne, Madision’s shoulders drew up in curiousity herself able to play onto Glen without much effort. It didn’t take much effort to be what Madision truely was, it was proven to be genetic in her family anyways. "It’s just. Ashley."

    "What? What about Ashley?"

    Madision froze, forgetting her story for a moment as she had looked up at Glen his eyes locked dead onto her. When it had come to his family, an odd film of maturity always came over Glen, which freaked out most who were used to his slapstick humor throughout the day. It was enough to throw Madision off even, Glen repeating himself louder time time almost barking at her to spit it out having to shake herself of Glen’s complete ability. "Before you came… I ran into Ashley. I really think she knows she’s making a mistake."


    Ashley never said it felt right.

    In fact, she never said she felt anything anymore. But an attempt was better than curdling herself in her room, especially with her vainglory mother and embittered sister banging over her door every hour to see if she had finally become successful at suicide. She’d never actually contemplated it seriously, though she’d threatened it numerous times her mother gladly leaving her the space to do it even leaving butcher knives resting on counters when she knew her mother previously had never even stepped into the kitchen. The only time she’d managed to come home most days, were in scenario’s like these crumbling at the turn of her unlocked door being escorted home by people whose faces she wouldn’t remember by tomorrow but their reaking scents left everywhere in her bed. It was the only way she was able to manage, drinking. And, being Ashley… who was such a friendly drinker, she’d always had to share hospitality and herself for that matter with someone else.



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