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    Attack of the…..What?

    Attack of the……What?

    Ashley woke up and looked at the clock on her bedside table. The blinking light read 6:21 A.M., So she got up and went to her closet to find something to wear. She felt a really light shake, but she ignored it. She put on a red T-shirt and a pair of jeans, then started heading out the door. Her cell phone started to ring, so she took her it out to who was calling. It was Spencer.

    "Hey, baby, what’s up?"

    "Nothing, just calling to talk to you."

    "Ok, um, did you want a ride to school or anything? ‘Cause I just about to leave." Just then, Ashley felt another shake, and looked around outside. Nothing.

    "Sure that would be great."

    "Ok… I’ll be… right…by."

    "Is everything ok?" Spencer asked, seeming very concerned.

    "Yeah, see ya in a little. Bye."


    Ashley got into her car, and drove down to Spencer’s house. She stopped in her driveway and put the car in park. Moments later Spencer come running out.

    "Hey, thanks for giving me a ride."

    "No prob."

    Ashley started the car and started driving. She made a left at the end of the street, and slowed down to a stop light. The blonde noticed a lot of birds were starting to fly away. Then, there was another slight shake, Just light enough to notice. The blonde looked and the brunette and said,"Did you feel that?"

    "Yeah, probably just a little earthquake. We are in California, after all. Though there was one just earlier when we were on the phone." she said, now a little more concerned.

    "You felt that too!"

    "Yeah, well… let’s just forget about it." When they finally reached school, both of them got out and walked to their first class together.

    Later, During Lunch

    Spencer and Ashley were just sitting together reading a magazine, when Torri came up and asked,"Hey Spencer, Ashley can I sit with you guys?"

    "Sure." Spencer exclaimed.

    Torri had a salad, some soup, and a juice. She reached for her fork and started taking a bit of her salad, but suddenly the ground started shaking violently. A huge voice boomed out,"IS THAT A FORK?!”

    Ashley screamed, and Torri dropped her fork. There came a huge ripping sound, and then the roof of the cafeteria was pulled away, showing a blue sky.

    Spencer ducked under the table as a large white form peered in to the room. They could see a rounded surface and a forked head…It was a (dun duun duuuun) SPORK!

    "IS THAT A FORK?!", repeated the Spork King angrily.

    Torri was speechless. She just stared at the spork, empty mindedly. Then the Spork King roared and hundreds of sporks started falling from the sky!

    "You will all use sporks forever! "MUAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

    "Ashley!" Ashley slowly opened her eyes.


    "Yeah… You ok?”

    "Yeah," Ashley said, now looking at the blonde above her on her bed. "I just had the weirdest dream ever!"

    "Oh really? What was it about?"


    So Ashley explained the dream to Spencer and after she ended Spencer was craking up but then finally said "Told you not to eat fried onion rings before bed!"


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