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    Avoiding Coincidence – (Chapter: Can necessity qualify as romantic?)

            It took Spencer’s alcohol-saturated brain a couple minutes to figure out that she should try and find Ashley. Unfortunately, her slow response made it quite a bit harder to find the girl. When she finally found her, however, a large part of her wished she hadn’t been so lucky.

            Ashley was sandwiched between the wall and a blonde, her legs wrapped around the other girl’s waist. Spencer could only see two of their four hands. She wished she could stop watching, but no matter how hard she tried she could not pry her eyes away. If she had been sober, she probably would have sulked away after a couple minutes. She was not sober.


    “Ashley, I need to talk to you.” No response. “Ashley, helloooooo.”

    “A little busy,” she said as the blonde kissed her neck.



    They disentangled. Finally, all four of their hands were visible.

    “I need to talk to you, Ashley.”

    “No, Spencer, you don’t.”

    The blonde had started kissing Ashley’s neck again.

    Spencer was getting tired of this blonde’s inattention to the seriousness of the conversation she was trying to have. “This is so typical,” Spencer mumbled. She raised her voice, “I’m not leaving until you talk to me.”

    Ashley reached down and squeezed the blonde’s hand. “I’ll be back in a minute, babe.” She kissed the hopelessly confused girl and walked out onto the patio. Spencer followed close behind.


    They sat on the single step that led into the backyard for several minutes without speaking or making eye contact.

    Spencer broke the silence, “So, who’s that girl?”

    “I’m not discussing that with you, Spencer. You have no right to ask me about my sex life. You gave up that right.’” The silence returned for a moment. “You said you wouldn’t leave unless I talked to you. So, what is it that you wanted to talk about?”

     “I was worried about you, Ash. You’ve had a lot to drink.”

    “No worries. I’ve had two months to build my tolerance back up. Now that I’ve calmed your fears about me dying of alcohol poisoning, I’m going to head back inside.”

    “Wait, don’t go. I want to talk about what happened earlier. I care about you, Ashley.”

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    1. I hope that you weren’t serious about putting down your pen, because I’m already hooked and it would be disapointing if you gave up on this. In other words please continue.

    2. I hope that you weren’t serious about putting down your pen, because I’m already hooked and it would be disapointing if you gave up on this. In other words please continue.

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