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    Backwards! – (Chapter: 21 Resolving Issues)

    Spencer nodded her head as though she was listening but really wasn’t hearing a word of what the doctor was saying to her. She had stopped caring as soom as she had heard the words "Ashley" and "Okay". As soon as he had finished Spencer rushed into Ashley’s room only to find her sitting up watching the hospital TV. Spencer wanted to see her of course but more prominent was her thist to know what the hell had happened. Why was that guy after her in the first place? Ashley almost screamed with glee when Spencer walked in and Spencer couldn’t help but smile. Who the hell would want to hurt something so beautiful…? The brunette wiggled her finger seductively and Spencer walked over to her to give her a long deserved kiss. As Spencer pulled away for air Ashley cupped her face and looked her straight in the eyes. A very rare incident seeing as Ashley usually kept her head and eyes down.

    "Thank you Spencer…you saved me…"

    "Yeah well I wasn’t going to stand by and watch some random guy steal away the one person who loves me…Plus it’s nice to know that even tough I’m a cripple I can still ounch a man out,"  Spencer sighed and her tone changed to a serious one, "look Ash I know it might be hard for you to talk about but I need to know what happened…" Ashley let out of stream of air preparing herself for the hard conversation that was approaching.

    "A couple of years ago…before you opened my eyes to the beauty of the same sex…I was dating this guy my mom had set me up with, David Collins…we dated for a really long time but then as things always come to an end I had to break it off with him…" Spencer looked at her girlfriend noting how emotion was rising in her voice, "and he…didn’t really take it that well so…the next thing I knew he was in my house…in my room…I was home alone. I told him to leave…but he wouldn’t and then…" her voice caught in her throat and the brunette began to cry. Spencer grabbed Ashley and held the brunette in her arms rocking her gently back and forth.

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