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    Backwards! – (Chapter: 22 Unwanted Guest)

    "Madison…" the blonde began to speak, but the Latina girl cut him off knowing that she had to get this out now before she wimped out.

    "Let me talk please Rowan…" she asked.

    "Okay…" Rowan gave in knowing that this must be hard for Madison. She sucked in a great deal of air as the pair sat down on her living room couch. Madison turned and sat cross-legged on the couch so she was facing the blonde.

    "Rowan…you-you kissed Ashley…"

    "I know and…"

    "Shut up for a minute!" Madison snapped getting a little frustrated, "I’m-I’m sorry I snapped but I really need to get this out…"

    "No…it’s okay…I get it, go ahead," the blonde responded polietly and Madison was glad that some of the old Rowan was returning.

    "Thank you…you cheated on me Rowan and…I don’t know if you meant what you told Ashley…the whole ‘love’ thing," she made sure to use air-quotes, "but right now…even though you don’t deserve to hear it…I love you…but obviously I have no hope in those feelings being returned…"

    "Madison!" Rowan said shocked. He was leaping for joy inside but he tried to keep a serious expression on his face to not enrage the Latina.

    "Shh…" she silenced him again, "and about your brother…you can NOT treat him like that. You treated him like shit and you don’t deserve him!" she knew she was being harsh but when it came to the toddler Madison was very defensive. She tried to lighten up the situation, "He is the sweetest kid I have ever met…possibly sweeter than you…" she smiled at Rowan who gladly returned the grin.

    "Madison when I told Ashley that I lov…what I told her… I was confused and I didn’t realize that I had a great thing right in front of me," Madison couldn’t help but blush at this comment. "And Maddy…" he lifted her chin, "I love you too…" Rowan leaned in and pressed his lips sweetly against the Latina’s. Madison leaned in and returned the kiss with enthusiasm. Gadly accepting the lips that she had missed so much. Finally things are back to normal… she pulled Rowan in closer and the two laid back onto the couch.


    Ashley now released breathed a sigh of relief as she stepped through the doors and out of the gloomy hospital. She was very happy to be out of that place, but something was bothering her. Where the fuck is Spencer? I need my girlfried…I need some love, oh well, I’ll call her later maybe we can meet up at Gray’s. Ashley began walking towards her car before she realized that she didn’t drive here. Yeah…I was kinda unconsious…she chuckled at her own stupidity and pulled out her cell phone. Wow this must be the second time in a week that I’ve called her…

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